I am honoured and humbled to have been elected Mayor for the 2024–25 Council year. I am excited to be working with our new group of councillors, each bringing unique strengths and experiences and shared commitment to our community. Together we aim to make Boroondara the best place it can be for you. 

Having lived in Kew for 25 years with my husband and raised our 3 children here, I feel deeply connected to this community. Local connections aren't just important – they're a part of who I am. Whether it's managing junior footy teams, volunteering with local charities or working alongside climate organisations, I've loved being actively involved. I'm always inspired by the generosity and diversity of this community.

There’s much on Council’s agenda to be excited about in the next year and beyond. This includes progressing a number of major projects as well as continuing to develop and upgrade local playgrounds and pavilions. We’ll also start to see the Tree Canopy Strategy and Urban Biodiversity Strategy coming to life in Boroondara’s parks, streets, backyards and biodiversity corridors. 

As many of you know, updating the Boroondara Community Plan is a big focus for us in the coming months. This plan isn't just about Council – it's about you. In the first stage of consultation, more than 5,000 of you shared what matters most to you, which is amazing. Starting in February, we'll be running workshops to deepen the discussions. Your ideas and feedback aren't just helpful – they're what drive us. It's your priorities that shape what we do.

You’ll no doubt be aware of the Victorian Government’s recently announced planning reforms. We need comprehensive planning that meets housing needs while still protecting our heritage and amenity. We’re actively representing your views on this issue, but our greatest power is in collective action. Make your voice heard by sharing your views with the Premier, the Minister for Planning and your local member.

With a new council comes fresh ideas. Over the past months, we've spent time listening to you and we're keen to bring about the changes you've told us you want to see. 

Finally, I wish you a happy and safe festive season. I hope you’re able to take time to celebrate and relax with loved ones. For those who celebrate it, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy new year to all.

Cr Sophie Torney

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