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Advisory committees

We have a number of council and community advisory committees to support our Councillors in their decision making.

In addition to our Councillors and our staff, community committee membership includes representatives from relevant stakeholder or interest groups and where appropriate, representatives from the community. The purpose and membership structure of each advisory committee is set out in its terms of reference.

These committees are not decision-making bodies and do not carry executive authority, which remains with our Councillors and delegated officers.

Council advisory committees

CommitteePurposeCouncillor members
Waste Management Reference Group (WMRG)To advise Council on a diverse and comprehensive range of matters relating to waste, recycling and circular economy.Cr Pattas, Cr Osborne-Smith, Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Sinfield
Kew Recreation Centre Steering CommitteeTo act as a sounding board for the project team and provide feedback during the development (planning, design, implementation and commissioning) of the Kew Recreation Centre.Cr Torney, Cr Nolan, Cr Sinfield & Cr Gault
Civic Awards Assessment PanelTo provide advice and feedback on the nominations received for the Boroondara Citizen of the Year, Boroondara Young Citizen of the Year, Boroondara Volunteer of the Year and Boroondara Volunteer Program Innovation Award.Cr Torney, Cr Hollingsworth, Cr Ibuki, Cr Sinfield & Cr Baillieu
Transforming Boroondara Steering Committee

To monitor the progress of the Transforming Boroondara program against the delivery of the program milestones and budget.

To act as a sounding board and provide feedback throughout the course of the program.

Cr Nolan, Cr Pattas, Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Hollingsworth
Glenferrie and Kew Precinct Development Plans Advisory CommitteeTo provide advice and feedback on the form, prioritisation and coordination of various projects in the Glenferrie Road Precinct to the Kew Junction Precinct and the implementation of Council's plans for the precincts. Cr Gault, Cr Baillieu, Cr Sinfield, Cr Nolan & Cr Osborne-Smith
Boroondara Urban Design Awards CommitteeTo oversee the process for the various urban design awards within the municipality.Cr Osborne-Smith, Cr Ibuki, Cr Gault & Cr Hollingsworth
Greenways Advisory CommitteeTo discuss and seek feedback on current and future proposals regarding recreational trails, bicycle projects and initiatives.Cr Nolan, Cr Osborne-Smith, Cr Friend-Pereira, Cr Franco & Cr Gault
Heritage Advisory CommitteeTo provide advice to Council on heritage matters including Boroondara’s natural, built and cultural heritage.Cr Osborne-Smith, Cr Ibuki, Cr Sinfield & Cr Gault
Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Masterplan Advisory Committee

To provide advice and support to the delivery and implementation of collaborative opportunities about the Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Corridor masterplan. 

The group will also support briefing of the broader Councillor group through formal Council forums.

Cr Franco, Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Baillieu
Boroondara Reconciliation Advisory Committee

To oversee the development and implementation of the Boroondara Reconciliation Strategy (BRS).

To provide feedback and advice to assist Council officers in relation to implementing the BRS after considering data, research and community inputs.

Cr Torney, Cr Nolan, Cr Ibuki & Cr Friend-Pereira
Camberwell Junction Precinct Advisory Committee (CJPAC)

To provide advice and input on the form, prioritisation and coordination of various projects in the Camberwell Junction area.

To support the preparation of a park master plan for the precinct bounded by Camberwell Road, Burke Road and Inglesby Road.

Cr Osborne-Smith, Cr Franco & Cr Gault
Kew Library Redevelopment Steering CommitteeTo act as a sounding board for the project team and provide feedback during the redevelopment (planning, design, implementation, and commissioning) of Kew Library. Cr Gault, Cr Torney, Cr Sinfield & Cr Nolan
Governance Rules Advisory CommitteeTo consider and recommend to Council improvements to Council's Governance Rules, and other matters related to the good governance of the Councillor group.Cr Gault, Cr Franco, Cr Sinfield, Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Baillieu
Budget Process Review Advisory CommitteeTo consider the community consultation process for Council's 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 budgetsCr Nolan, Cr Torney & Cr Pattas

Community advisory committees (including community members)

Community Disability Advisory CommitteeTo provide advice to Council about disability access needs and issues that may influence policy, service and program development.

Council member: Cr Hollingsworth

Organisations and community members:

  • Belmore School representative – Amanda White
  • Learning For Life Autism Centre representative – Emma Miller
  • Multicaps representative – Peta Fensham-Cobb
  • Swinburne University of Technology representative – Jesus Campo Uribe
  • YMCA representative – Conor Morgan
  • Community representative –Elizabeth Parkinson
  • Community representative – Jack Hall
  • Community representative – Jeremy Long
  • Community representative – Lee Tsourvakas
  • Community representative – Dr Mary-Anne Lancaster
  • Community representative – Rodney Harris
  • Community representative – Sarah Hookey
Boroondara Vibrant Shopping Precincts Advisory CommitteeTo provide feedback, advice and guidance to Council on initiatives to enhance the vibrancy, accessibility and economic and environmental sustainability of Boroondara's shopping village precincts.Cr Nolan, Cr Pattas, Cr Ibuki, Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Baillieu
Boroondara Community Safety Advisory Committee

To provide advice to Council about a range of community safety and related social issues that may influence policy, service and program development.

To assist Council to identify, articulate and response appropriately to new and emerging issues which occur in the community.

Cr Sinfield, Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Hollingsworth
Boroondara Public Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee

To provide advice to Council about a range of community health, wellbeing and social issues that may influence policy, service and program development.

To assist Council to identify, articulate and response appropriately to new and emerging issues which occur in the community.

Cr Friend-Pereira & Cr Nolan

Boroondara Arts Advisory Committee incorporating the Boroondara Eisteddfod Advisory Sub-committee Community representatives



To provide specialist advice and feedback to Council about a range of matters that may influence arts and culture policy, service and program delivery.

To assist Council to identify, articulate and respond appropriately to new and emerging arts-related issues in the community and to enable community participation in arts and cultural programs.

To provide strategic advice and support to Council in achieving the purpose of the Boroondara Eisteddfod and presenting the competition.

Council members:

Cr Torney, Cr Ibuki & Cr Hollingsworth

Boroondara Arts Advisory Committee Community representatives:

  • Zeth Cameron
  • Boon Chong
  • Peter Eglezos
  • Laine Masi
  • Michelle Neal
  • Carol Ross
  • Max Schleser
  • Caroline Stacey OAM

Boroondara Eisteddfod Advisory Sub-committee Community representatives:

  • Nadine Gilmore
  • Douglas Heywood OAM
  • Melanie Hillman
  • David Hobson
  • Jenny Meachem
Boroondara Youth Voice

To ensure that young people in Boroondara are heard and valued.

To provide opportunities to develop leadership skills and take part in community and civic events.

No appointment required
LGBTQIA+ Community Roundtable

To provide a forum to hear the voices of local LGTBQIA+ communities to better understand local needs and issues.

To work in partnership with individuals, allies and local organisations to deliver practical local outcomes around programs, projects and activities.

No appointment required
Climate Action Plan Advisory Committee

To provide advice and support to the design and delivery of the Boroondara Climate Action Plan (CAP).

To review and provide advice on Council's Climate Action Plan and Implementation Plans.

To provide guidance and act as a sounding board for officers.

Council members:

Cr Torney, Cr Gault, Cr Nolan, Cr Friend-Pereira and Cr Baillieu

Community members:

  • 4 Community representatives
  • Electrify Boroondara representative
  • Lighter Footprints representative


Committee or boardPurposeCouncil members
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)To represent and advocate the interests of local government, lobby for a 'fairer deal' for councils, raise the sector's profile, ensure its long-term security and provide strategic advice, capacity building programs and insurance services to local government.

Cr Hollingsworth

Alternate: Cr Pattas

Metropolitan Transport ForumTo works towards effective, efficient and equitable transport in metropolitan Melbourne by providing a forum for debate, research and policy development, and sharing and disseminating information to improve transport choices.

Cr Nolan

Alternate: Cr Pattas

Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse ActionA formal collaboration of eight Councils in Melbourne’s east, working together on regional programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate regional adaptation.Cr Nolan
Boroondara Family Violence NetworkTo provide a forum for planning and development of community awareness strategies addressing family violence in Boroondara.Cr Torney & Cr Ibuki
Electrify Boroondara To drive community action to reduce emissions by encouraging electrification.  This will support Council achieve the aspirational community targets for emission reductions set in the Climate Action Plan.Cr Ibuki, Cr Friend-Pereira, Cr Gault & Cr Baillieu

Other committees

Audit and Risk Committee

Oversees and monitors Council's effectiveness in carrying out its responsibilities for:

  • accountable financial management
  • good corporate governance
  • maintaining a system of internal controls
  • risk management
  • fostering an ethical environment.

Learn more about this committee on our Audit and Risk Committee page.

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