Council's Audit and Risk Committee oversees and monitors the effectiveness of Council in carrying out its responsibilities for:
- accountable financial management
- good corporate governance
- maintaining a system of internal controls
- risk management
- fostering an ethical environment.
The Committee reports to Council as an Advisory Committee and meets as needed, but at least 4 times per year.
Matters commonly discussed at the meetings include:
- internal and external audit reports
- implementation status of audit recommendations
- financial statements
- internal audit performance data
- updates from the Fraud Control Group and Risk Executive Group
- reports relating to governance, legislative compliance and information technology
- other reports from Council officers.
The Audit Committee comprises 2 Councillors and 3 independent members.
Councillor members
Cr Felicity Sinfield, Cotham Ward
Cr Shima Ibuki, Maling Ward
Independent members
Ms Fiona Green
Mr John Watson (Chair)
Ms Freya Marsden
The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Manager Governance and Legal and the Integrity Coordinator attend all meetings but are not voting members.