On this page

You need a Planning Permit to:

  • start a new development
  • use land in a specific way
  • complete building works if your property is in certain overlays and zones.

A Planning Permit is a legal document. It checks that your plans comply with our Boroondara Planning Scheme.

Before you apply, follow our steps to prepare your application.

Some applications can be fast-tracked under VicSmart. Check if you are eligible for VicSmart.

What to include in your application

  • Your Certificate of Title, no more than 28 days old (get this from the Landata website)
  • A cover letter that explains your plans
  • A design response or explanation of the proposed use
  • A copy of your plans drawn to scale.

Conditional inclusions

You may need to include a neighbourhood and site description. Check the Planning Scheme to find specific requirements for zones and overlays that affect your works.

If your plans use land for business purposes (commercial or from home), you must provide:

  • a description of the business
  • the opening hours
  • the number of staff required.

Include a landscape plan if your plans are for a:

  • multi-unit development
  • mixed use development
  • larger non-residential development.

Learn how to prepare a landscape plan.

Metropolitan Planning Levy

You may need to pay the Metropolitan Planning Levy.

If the estimated cost of your development is more than the levy threshold:

  • pay the levy to the State Revenue Office
  • submit the levy certificate with your application.

The levy threshold for 2024 – 2025 is $1,271,000. 

Pay the levy and get a certificate.

For more information, visit the State Revenue Office website.

There have been changes in relation to displaying personal information (individual names and contact details) on Council's website. When submitting an application please do not include any personal information on plans or reports within the application material.

Apply for your permit

  1. Download and complete the application form.
  2. Email your form and supporting documents to [email protected].
  3. Include in the subject line 'for the attention of the Statutory Planning Department'.

Any supporting documents must be:

  • in PDF format
  • not password-protected
  • labelled with the property address so we can identify them.

If your email and attachments is more than 20 MB, you can save them to a USB stick or CD and submit them in person or by post to:

The City of Boroondara
C/- The Statutory Planning Department
8 Inglesby Road

Pay the fee

You must pay an application fee as set by the Victorian Government.

For a list of fees:change

An invoice will be forwarded to you following registration of your application. This can take several days.

Amend your application (Sections 50 and 57A)

You can amend your application at any time during the process.

  • To amend your application before advertising starts, please complete a Section 50 Amendment to application before notice form and email to [email protected].
  • To amend your application after the completion of advertising, please complete a Section 57A Amendment to application after notice form and email it to [email protected]. Please note a fee of 40% of the original application fee will be applied for this request. We'll send you an invoice after you register your request. 

You may be required to give notice of your application again (see The notice period below).

If you wish to amend a permit that has already been issued or change endorsed plans, please refer to our Amend a Planning Permit page.

Assessing your application

We assess your application against:

After you submit your application we may ask you for more information. Your application will be put on hold during this time.

You must provide this information within 28 days of us receiving your application, or your application lapses.

We sometimes ask other authorities (such as Melbourne Water or VicRoads) for technical advice on your proposal. External authorities have 28 days to reply to Council.

The notice period

We will let you know if you need to give notice of your application.

We require this if your plans could negatively affect your neighbours' use or enjoyment of their land.

During the notice period, neighbours and others affected by your proposal can object to a Planning Permit application.

The notice period takes at least 14 days. We must consider all submissions received up until a decision is made, even if this takes longer than 14 days.

We sometimes hold an informal meeting with you and:

  • anyone who objects to your application
  • the relevant Ward Councillor.

This helps us understand the issues raised and look for solutions.

Making a decision

We will either:

  • approve your permit
  • approve your permit with conditions
  • issue a notice of decision to grant a permit
  • refuse your permit
  • defer our decision to the Urban Planning Delegated Committee.

When we defer our decision, those with an interest can address the Committee before they make a decision. This includes:

  • the applicant
  • anyone who objected
  • relevant authorities.

If we approve your permit with conditions, you must amend your plans to meet these conditions:

  1. Download and complete the request to endorse amended plans form.
  2. Email your amended plans and form to [email protected].

Appeal the decision

If you don't agree with our decision you can lodge an appeal within 60 days.

Your appeal should be lodged to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Find out how to lodge an appeal with VCAT.

More information

Before starting your works, you may need a Building Permit.

For advice about your application, call us on (03) 9278 4888 or email [email protected]

For advice about fees and regulations, email [email protected] or call 1300 366 356.

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