Some of our services are closed or have different hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

Since 2002, we have kept a public register of all applications for Planning Permits across Boroondara. These applications remain on the public register permanently. 

View the online Planning Register

In this register, you can:

  • search for Planning Permit applications by address, street name or application number
  • view documents and plans in relation to a Notice of a planning application (advertising) – find out more about this on the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning website
  • track the progress of a Planning Permit application.
Please note: It may take several days for a Planning Permit application to appear in the register after it has been lodged with Council.

141 Camberwell Road Hawthorn East (PA24/0042)

The Permit Holder for Lot S3 on PS 742544T, 141 Camberwell Road Hawthorn East, has lodged an application with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to amend the existing planning permit for the site. The application is currently listed for a compulsory conference (mediation) on 9 October 2024 and a hearing on 4 December 2024.

A copy of the plans and other application material lodged with VCAT are available for viewing at the download section below.

Residents wishing to participate at the VCAT proceeding must follow the instructions in the VCAT order, which states that a statement of grounds must be submitted to VCAT by 25 September 2024 at Further information can be obtained directly from VCAT on PH: 1300 01 8228 and quoting reference number P884/2024.

The Permit Holder is proceeding directly to VCAT to amend the existing planning permit without Council having firstly decided the application. Although Council is still required to form a position on the amendment application prior to the VCAT hearing, it it yet to do so.

Planning Permit Application at 442-450 Auburn Road and 9 Bills Street, Hawthorn (Former University of Melbourne Hawthorn Campus redevelopment)

Department of Transport and Planning Reference: PA2402998

Council has been advised that a planning permit application has been lodged with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) for the above site, and has been given 28 days to provide comments to the Minister for Planning (via the DTP).

The application has been lodged under Clause 53.23 (Significant Residential Development with Affordable Housing), which is restricted to residential development with an estimated cost of development of $50 million and contains at least 10% affordable housing. Where Clause 53.23 applies, the Minister for Planning is the responsible authority.

The planning permit includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • construction of 6 buildings (comprising 365 apartments), ranging in height from 3 to 8 storeys
  • provision of 543 car spaces
  • reduction of car parking requirement by 49 spaces
  • 10% affordable housing
  • shop, café and display home.

Document and plans associated with PA2402998 - 442-450 Auburn Road and 9 Bills Street, Hawthorn

Exhibition of Development Plan - Siena College

DP24/001 - 815 Riversdale Road, Camberwell

Endorsement of Revised Development Plan

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