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Cr Cynthia Watson

Contact details

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (03) 9835 7846

Mobile: 0419 488 204

Post: Private Bag 1, Camberwell VIC 3124


Councillor Cynthia Watson


Cr Watson is married with 4 children and has lived in Balwyn North for more than 20 years.

Cr Watson was first elected to represent Maranoa Ward in October 2016.

“My vision is to continue to build a better Boroondara, and lead our community on the road to recovery from COVID-19 through prudent economic management, strong civic leadership and kindness. Every dollar spent by Council must continue to deliver benefit and reflect the shared values of our community. As your ward Councillor I will actively listen and respond to put community first. I will continue to deliver your Boroondara Community Plan, which was the result of the most extensive community consultation in Boroondara’s history!”

Council committees

  • CEO Employment and Remuneration Committee
  • Services Delegated Committee
  • Urban Planning Delegated Committee
  • Canterbury Community Precinct Steering Committee
  • Camberwell Junction Precinct Advisory Committee (CJPAC)

External advisory committees

  • Boroondara Eisteddfod Advisory Committee
  • Boroondara Arts Advisory Committee

External management committees

  • The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)

Memberships and associations

  • Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Life Member of the Greythorn Park Tennis Club

Hobbies and interests

  • Tennis
  • Reading
  • Gardening
  • Family history 
  • Cooking

History of Maranoa Ward

Maranoa Ward takes it name from the native garden established by John Middleton Watson on land he bought in the early 1890s.

He named the gardens Maranoa after a river in Queensland, from an Indigenous word meaning flowing, alive or running.

Mr Watson continued to buy land in the area, most of which later became Beckett Park. He began to create gardens on one side with Indigenous species from Australian and New Zealand.

The area was previously known as One Tree Hill or Canterbury Park, Balwyn.

Map of Maranoa Ward

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