Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

The Gardiners Creek walking and cycling trail runs through this reserve, linking Boroondara with the city.

Sports facilities

The Hawthorn Velodrome is used by cyclists for recreational purposes, as well as the Hawthorn Cycling Club who use it for junior and senior training as well as competition cycling.

Rules for safe use

  • Patrons enter the track at their own risk
  • Wait at entry points until safe to proceed onto track
  • Leave track as soon as you have finished your ride
  • Do not stop on the track or fence exit area
  • Cycle only in an anti-clockwise direction
  • Slower riders ride higher on the track, above blue line
  • Children must be supervised by an adult at all times
  • Please keep dogs out of velodrome

Velodrome line markings

Velodrome longitude markings:

  • White line: This line defines the length of the track, which is 330 metres.
  • Red line: This line represents the ‘sprinters’ line’, which is the optimum route around the track. 
  • Blue line: This line represents the ‘stayers’ line’. Stayer-riders below the blue line may not be overtaken on the inside.


153 Robinson Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122


  • Velodrome
  • Sports Pavilion
  • Public Toilets

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