Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

What we mow

We regularly mow grass on Council-managed land, including:

  • parks
  • gardens
  • reserves
  • sportsgrounds
  • some car parks
  • some nature strips
  • some traffic islands and median strips.
Large mowing equipment at a park

When we mow

Our mowing schedule changes throughout the year, depending on the season and classification of land.

We mow most sites:

  • weekly or fortnightly between September and April
  • every 3 to 4 weeks between May and August.

During peak growing season, we mow over 470 different sites every fortnight, totalling over 330 hectares. This is similar to the Melbourne Cricket Ground 167 times.

Mowing large areas of open space requires heavy mowing equipment and specialised operators. 

How weather impacts our mowing schedule

Wet weather can result in:

  • grass growing faster than usual
  • open spaces being too wet to mow
  • a backlog of locations we need to mow after the weather improves.

Mowing the grass when it is wet can make it unsafe for staff due to unstable ground. Operating heavy machinery on wet ground can also damage the surface.  

If we have not mown a site due to wet weather, we will keep checking it every few days to work out when the site is dry enough for our staff to mow. We will mow it as soon as the ground is more stable and safe.

A person looking at a bogged mowing tractor at a park

Nature strips outside private properties

There is a shared community expectation that residents are responsible for mowing the grass on the nature strip directly outside their property. This goodwill keeps street frontages neat and tidy.

You can request an assessment of a site if the nature strip outside someone’s property is a risk to public safety.

For example, if the nature strip becomes a: 

  • potential fire hazard
  • potential pedestrian trip hazard.

For more information about nature strips, visit our Nature strips page

More information

You can find out more information about a particular location in Boroondara by emailing [email protected] or calling (03) 9278 4444. A member of our team can tell you when a particular location was last mown and/or is scheduled to be mown next.

You might also be interested in our weed management program. Find out more on Our weed management program page

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