This stream is available to trader associations to deliver community-based events, festivals and major initiatives that increase the vibrancy and functionality of retail precincts, enhance a sense of community and pride, and promote a ‘buy local’ ethos.

Funding of up to $50,000 each year is available for 3 financial years, subject to annual review.

Applications under this stream must be led by a trader association and may be developed in partnership with eligible community organisations.

Please note: For festivals and events, the proposed activity must have been running for at least 2 years before it is eligible.

Recipients need to demonstrate innovation in interactive programming and production, as well as best practice in areas such as environmental sustainability and event management.

Council plans and strategies relevant to this stream are available on the following pages:


The objectives of the Vibrant Retail Precincts funding stream are to support events, festivals, and major initiatives that:

  • increase visitation by showcasing the retail precinct
  • increase spending in local businesses
  • strengthen the connection between people, local community groups and retail precincts
  • encourage participation in community life and enhance health and wellbeing
  • re-imagine and activate spaces to create memorable and social experiences
  • showcase the skills and talents of the local community
  • promote and expand the local nighttime economy.

Assessment criteria

Vibrant Retail Precincts applications will be assessed against criteria below.

  • What are the objectives of the project or activity? (25%)
    • Describe how your proposal will address the Community Strengthening Grants Program objectives listed on page 4 of the Triennial Operational Grant Guidelines, which can be found in the Downloads section on this page.
    • Describe how your proposal will address at least 2 of the 2023-26 Triennial Operational Vibrant Retail Precincts Grant objectives (above).
  • Why is the proposed project or activity needed in Boroondara? (25%)
    • Demonstrate that the project or activity responds to a community need and evidence of demand.
    • Demonstrate that project or activity cannot be funded elsewhere.
    • Demonstrate clear rationale for the project or activity being provided over a 3-year period.
  • Who will benefit from your project or activity? (25%)
    • Describe who will participate in your project or activity.
    • Describe how the project or activity will benefit the retail precinct’s business owners.
    • Describe how the project or activity will benefit Boroondara residents.
    • Describe how the project or activity will showcase local skills and talents.
    • Describe how the project or activity create links and develops partnerships with other organisations.
    • Describe how sustainability measures will be incorporated into the project or activity.
  • How will your organisation manage the funded project or activity over the 3-year period? (25%)
    • Provide evidence that the organisation has the expertise and capacity to successfully manage and evaluate the project or activity over 3 years.
    • Provide evidence of a relevant project or activity plan (including timelines) and a realistic 3-year budget.
    • Provide evidence that consideration has been given to the future sustainability of the project or activity (for example, sponsorships or other funding sources).

For festivals and events

To ensure your event meets all permit and other requirements, please refer to our Organise an outdoor event page

You are required to do the following if you are successful in receiving funding:

  • submit detailed event, traffic and risk management plans 
  • provide evidence of relevant insurances and permits, as well as compliance with relevant health and other Council requirements. 

Apply for a grant

You can find key information about eligibility criteria, the steps involved in submitting an application and links to the application on the Triennial Operational Grants page.

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