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Individual participation grants help disadvantaged community members participate in sport and recreation.

You can apply for up to 75% of annual sports club fees (capped at $200), subject to availability.

Funding is paid directly to your sports club, which will then reduce your registration fee.


To be eligible for individual participation grant funding, you must:

  • live in the City of Boroondara
  • provide evidence of a current government means-tested card
  • choose an eligible Boroondara sporting club (not for profit)

For more details, see Individual Participation Grant eligibility and conditions.


Applications are accepted all year round, until the allocated funding has been used.

For more information, see How to apply for an individual participation grant.

How the grant funding is paid

Grant funding will be paid directly to the applicant's nominated sports club, which will then reduce the club registration fee by the amount of the grant.

Apply for an Individual Participation Grant

Sports clubs

After a current or prospective member applies for an Individual Participation Grant, their sports club must fill out the Sports club individual participation grant claim form.

More information

For more information, contact the Sports and Recreation team on (03) 9278 4797 or at [email protected].

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