This stream is available to eligible community organisations to support programs and activities that promote safety, good health and wellbeing of individuals, families and community groups across all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.

It is also available for activities and programs that connect people who are experiencing primary or secondary homelessness with support services.

Its purpose is to enable organisations to respond directly to the needs of disadvantaged residents and to allow community service organisations to plan longer term, attract resources and build strategic partnerships with other organisations in Boroondara.

Organisations can apply for funding of up to $20,000 each year for 3 financial years, subject to annual review.


The objectives of the Healthy Community Funding stream are to support programs and activities to:  

  • promote health, wellbeing, community safety and prevention of forms of violence
  • build connected and inclusive communities
  • offer learning opportunities for Boroondara’s diverse community.

Assessment criteria

Healthy Community applications will be assessed against the criteria below. The additional points may assist to guide your responses.

What are the objectives of the proposed project or activity? (25%) 

  • Describe how your proposal will address the Community Strengthening Grants Program objectives listed on page 4 of the Triennial Operational Grant Guidelines, which can be found in the downloads section below.
  • Describe how your proposal or activity will address at least 2 of the 2023-26 Triennial Operational Healthy Community Grant objectives (above). 

Why is the proposed project or activity needed in Boroondara? (25%)

  • Demonstrate that the project or activity responds to a community need.
  • Demonstrate that your research has identified this gap in services and/or opportunities in the community that you intend to fill.
  • Demonstrate that this project or activity will not duplicate existing services or programs.
  • Demonstrate that this project or activity cannot be funded elsewhere.
  • Demonstrate clear rationale for the project or activity being provided over a 3-year period.

Who will benefit from your project or activity? (25%)

  • Describe who will participate in the project or activity.
  • Describe how the project or activity will significantly benefit Boroondara residents.
  • Describe how the project or activity creates links and develops partnerships with other organisations.

How will your organisation manage the funded project or activity over the 3-year period? (25%)

  • Provide evidence that the organisation has the expertise and capacity to successfully manage and evaluate the project or activity.
  • Provide evidence of a relevant project or activity plan (including timelines) and a realistic 3-year budget.
  • Provide evidence of capacity for ongoing program and/or service development over 3 years. 
  • Provide evidence of consideration given to the future sustainability of the project or activity (for example, sponsorships or other funding sources).

Apply for a grant

You can find key information about eligibility criteria, the steps involved in submitting an application and links to the application on the Triennial Operational Grants page.