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We are completing surface renewal and oval extension works at Victoria Park South Oval in Kew.


Works have commenced and are expected to be completed in mid-2025.


We ran 2 stages of community consultation to invite feedback on the proposal to extend the south oval and the updated design. To view the community engagement findings and learn more about the consultations, please visit our Your Say Boroondara website. 

Due to positive support, we will be proceeding with the oval extension. The oval will be extended at the same time as routine surface renewal works occur later this year. The surface renewal works will help to maintain the playing surface. 

About the project

The renewal and oval extension works will involve:

  • removal of the existing playing surface and preparation for installation of new surface
  • new irrigation and drainage, including installation of a water storage tank and irrigation pump behind the scoreboard
  • new goal posts and players benches
  • new fencing, including relocation of some fencing due to the oval extension
  • reconstruction of the turf cricket wicket and installation of a new wicket cover storage cage next to the cricket nets
  • new natural turf surface 
  • installation of synthetic turf in high-use areas: maintenance vehicle and pedestrian entry points and player bench areas
  • relocation of one oval lighting pole in the south-east section
  • removal of 2 small trees and replacing these with new trees at a different location on site
  • removal of the existing bluestone retaining wall and replacing it with a one-metre-high concrete retaining wall, around 160 m in length
  • relocating the gate at the south end of the oval slightly to the east, next to the Adeney vehicle access gate.

During the works

The south oval and cricket net facility will be closed to the public for the duration of the works. The playground, picnic and basketball facilities near the south oval will remain open. The north oval will also remain open and for dog walkers, this oval is also a dog off-leash area when not being used for organised sports matches and training sessions.

Works will occur Monday to Friday 7 am to 5 pm. Some Saturday works may occur if required. 
The vehicle entrance on Adeney Avenue will be used for construction vehicle access to the south oval. This may result in a small reduction in on-street parking availability near this entrance during periods of the works but there will be no major impacts to parking in the area. 


June to July 2021Community consultation on proposal to extend South Park Oval
July to August 2022Community consultation on updated design for oval extension
August/September 2024Works commenced
Mid-2025Works due to be completed


Contact us

If you have any questions about these upcoming works, please contact the Sport and Recreation team on [email protected] or phone (03) 9278 4444.

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