Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

The City of Boroondara is home to almost 50 shopping villages and strips that are a major attraction for residents and visitors. They contribute to the local economy and the vibrant atmosphere of our city.

We are committed to enhancing the streetscapes of these centres by progressively implementing the Shopping Centre Improvement Plan. The plan was developed in 2010 in consultation with the public, and covers 42 of the city’s small to medium shopping centres.

Steps in the improvement process

Once a shopping centre is confirmed as the next centre for improvement, it's a 2-year process. In the first year we design and consult with the community to understand their needs and priorities, before constructing works in the following year.

The steps to improve a shopping centre include:

  1. Site analysis and investigation.
  2. Developing a draft concept plan for streetscape improvements.
  3. Inviting feedback from traders and the local community on the draft concept plan.
  4. Reviewing feedback and further developing the design, as needed.
  5. Preparing design documentation.
  6. Implementing improvements at the shopping centre.

This is a long-term plan and all shopping streetscape improvement projects are considered as part of our annual budget process, in conjunction with our Council Plan.

For more information, contact the Coordinator Landscape and Design on (03) 9278 4060.

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