We have created a Master Plan for Gardiners Creek to make sure it’s protected, cared for and improved. 

The plan is based on extensive research, feedback from key stakeholders and community views. It includes aims and actions that apply across the entire area.

Project status

The master plan is currently being delivered. It is expected to be completed in October 2032.

Community consultation

In 2022, we asked our community for feedback on the draft master plan, which we'd developed based on extensive research and feedback from key stakeholders and the community. 

There was general support for the draft master plan and its proposed actions. You can read about the consultation process and download the consultation report on the Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Master Plan consultation page.

About Gardiners Creek

Gardiners Creek forms part of Boroondara’s southern boundary and is on the traditional land of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people. It’s also where John Gardiner became the first white settler, settling near the junction of the Yarra River and what was then known as Kooyongkoot Creek. The creek was later renamed after him.

The site is an urban green corridor that functions as a multifaceted urban environment. It provides the local community with large areas of active and passive open space, varying ecologies and 
landscape characters. It also provides important connections through the City of Boroondara and to adjacent suburbs.

About the Master Plan

The Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Master Plan focuses on the green corridor surrounding Gardiners Creek and its catchment. This includes the Back Creek catchment that spans the suburbs of Hawthorn, Hawthorn East, Glen Iris, Ashburton, Camberwell and Canterbury. 

The overarching principle behind this master plan is to create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer Gardiners Creek catchment within the City of Boroondara, by:

  • improving creek health by enhancing and celebrating a rich and biodiverse catchment
  • improving Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) opportunities to the Gardiners Creek catchment
  • establishing opportunities for improving water quality and reducing pollutants
  • identifying and better managing high-litter-generating areas that are impacting the catchment
  • recognition and celebration of Aboriginal histories, cultures and knowledges
  • improving access and safety for all users including creating a connected corridor that enables everyone to move safely at their own pace
  • improving signage and way-finding for all users.

To find out more, download the Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Master Plan 2022-2032 below. 

Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Master Plan 2022-2032


May to June 2022Community consultation on draft master planComplete
July to October 2022Review and consider community feedback Complete
October 2022Final master plan releasedComplete
October 2022 to October 2032Project deliveryIn progress

More information

To receive updates about this project, visit our Gardiners Creek (Kooyongkoot) Master Plan consultation page and select 'Follow' at the top of the page.

For more information about construction, contact our Environmental Sustainability and Open Space team on (03) 9278 4444 or [email protected].

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