Annual Grants eligibility and conditions

Eligibility criteria

To qualify for an Annual Community Strengthening Grant you must:

  • provide direct benefits to residents of the City of Boroondara (local organisations are prioritised)
  • be not-for-profit, as classified by the Australian Tax Office in the Income Tax Assessment Act (1936)
  • be a legally constituted entity (for example, a co-operative, incorporated association, company or company limited by guarantee). For Annual Grants only you may have another organisation auspice your application (unless requesting less than $1,000).
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN), or complete a Statement by Supplier form, or hold an exemption from registration
  • have a committee of management that accepts responsibility for the administration of the grant
  • hold an adequate public liability insurance policy to cover the staff, members and the general public, as appropriate
  • not have your own grant giving program or fundraising program that provides money to finance another organisation's community initiatives
  • have satisfactorily accounted to Council for the expenditure of any previous Council grants (if relevant)
  • comply with all other relevant Australian and Victorian legislation, including: accounting and auditing requirements; equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws; human rights laws; privacy, confidentiality and freedom of information laws; registration or accreditation of professional employees; and preparation and dissemination of annual reports
  • have an adequate risk management plan in place (as required).

We won't fund

  • individuals and private profit-making organisations
  • funding that Council considers the responsibility of other levels of government
  • applications from primary or secondary schools (Council encourages partnerships between schools and community organisations, but the community organisation must be the applicant)
  • repeat applications in consecutive years for the same projects, activities and equipment
  • applications from registered political parties
  • religious projects or activities run by (or involvement with) religious groups seeking to promote their spiritual beliefs
  • projects that seek to lobby the local, state or federal governments about particular laws, policies, practices or decisions of governments
  • funding of competitions, prizes, sponsorships, donations or gifts
  • projects that have been, or are being, funded by other parts of Council
  • interstate or overseas travel
  • projects or activities that have already started or have been completed
  • new building works, capital improvements, facility maintenance or fixed assets (for example, air-conditioners, shade sails, cubby houses and sheds)
  • operational expenses such as insurance and rental subsidies.

Conditions of funding

  • Successful applicants and organisations auspicing applications need to become a signatory to a standard funding agreement that lists all grant conditions and agreed performance outcomes and measures. This must be signed before grant funds are issued.
  • Professional fees (for example, labour, salary, wages) and administration costs (for example, phone calls, printing, stationery) can only represent 50 per cent of the total grant funding.
  • Auspice fees are not accepted and must not be included in the budget.
  • The project must be completed within 12 months or by 31 December 2025.

At the completion of the project, successful applicants must also:

  • provide a written evaluation completed online (via SmartyGrants)
  • have an expenditure budget or an audited statement
  • return any funds over $150 not spent to Council
  • acknowledge the City of Boroondara and the Rotary Club of Balwyn in any promotional material or publicity features.

For more information, email [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4753.

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