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The former VicRoads site in Kew has been rezoned to facilitate future redevelopment following a decision by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), under delegation from the Minister for Planning on 21 October 2024 (Amendment C411boro).

The amendment:

  • applies an Environmental Audit Overlay
  • rezones the main northern portion of the site from Transport 1 Zone to Commercial 1 Zone
  • rezones the southern ‘tail’ to the General Residential Zone – Schedule 4.

The existing Design and Development Overlay which sets discretionary height limits and design objectives for the site will be retained.

In our submission to the amendment, we requested that the ‘tail’ be rezoned to the Public Park and Recreation Zone to facilitate the creation of a new bicycle/pedestrian link and new public open space; however, DTP did not support this.

We recognise the significant redevelopment opportunity this site presents. We support the delivery of a mix of land uses, including:

  • more housing options
  • added commercial uses
  • community spaces
  • open areas
  • better cycling and pedestrian connections.

A Council-endorsed Urban Design Framework has been developed to highlight the site’s significant design opportunities and the importance of creating strong pedestrian and cycling connections (both north-south and east-west) through the site. The ‘tail’ is a crucial component of a potential pedestrian and cycling connection along the former rail corridor, linking Kew and Glenferrie.

We will continue to advocate for the delivery of these connections and open space as part of any future development proposal. 

We've also requested that a community reference group of local community members and Council officers guides the redevelopment of the site to deliver much-needed public, social and affordable housing as well as broader community benefits.

Any future redevelopment of the site will occur through a separate planning process by the Victorian Government and its agencies. At this stage, it is unknown when or how the Victorian Government will progress this.

More information

VicRoads stopped using this site at the beginning of 2024. There are 3 buildings on the site, all built in the 1960s and ranging from 5 to 8 storeys in height.

The site is near Kew Junction shopping precinct and has public transport and cycle routes surrounding it.

You can find out more in the documents available for download below.

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