The planning scheme amendment process is a formal statutory process governed by Victorian Government legislation, specifically the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
It's Council's responsibility to administer and enforce the Boroondara Planning Scheme.
More information on the planning scheme amendment process can be found on the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website, including:
- on the Victoria State Government Amending a Planning Scheme page
- in Chapter 2 of the Using the Victorian Planning System guide on the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.
Requesting a planning scheme amendment
Amending a planning scheme is a process to change the law, which can only be done by the planning authority. Generally, Council or the Minister for Planning are the planning authority but the Minister for Planning can authorise other ministers or agencies to amend a planning scheme.
However, anyone can ask Council to change the planning scheme. It’s important to note there are planning scheme amendment fees involved, which are available on our Planning scheme amendment fees page.
You don’t need to complete an application form to request a planning scheme amendment. Instead, we recommend that you contact us to discuss any potential amendment before applying.
Have your say on a planning scheme amendment
We consult on proposed changes to the Boroondara Planning Scheme with directly-affected property owners and occupiers and other relevant members of the community and industry throughout the amendment process. This generally includes a preliminary consultation process during the policy development period, a formal, one-month exhibition process as well as an independent panel hearing (if required).
There are also several opportunities to attend meetings of and address the Urban Planning Delegated Committee at key milestones. Making a planning scheme amendment is a process to change the law. This is why an amendment can only be prepared and initiated by a planning authority, which is any minister or agency that's been authorised by the Minister for Planning. For the City of Boroondara, the planning authority generally is Council or the Minister for Planning.
However, anyone can ask Council to apply for a planning scheme amendment. It's important to note there are planning scheme amendment fees involved, which are available on our Planning scheme amendment fees page.
You don't need to complete an application form to request a planning scheme amendment. Instead, we recommend that you contact us to discuss any potential amendment before applying.