Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Residential areas in Boroondara are divided into 80 Neighbourhood Character Precincts according to their style and common characteristics. This helps new developments to keep the character and history of local areas.

Each area has a Precinct Statement, a background document under Clause 15.01-5L Neighbourhood character - Boroondara in the Boroondara Planning Scheme, which we consider when assessing Planning Permit applications in residential zones.

Each Precinct Statement contains a local map, plus details of:

  • key characteristics (such as building era, predominant dwelling style, fencing heights, gardens and vegetation, front and side set backs, extensions, streetscapes and trees)
  • threats to its character (such as loss of historic buildings; bulky or ‘box’ like buildings; boundary-to-boundary development)
  • strategies for maintaining its character (such as setting buildings back from boundaries; encouraging large tree retention and landscaped gardens; encouraging low fences).
Please note: The Heritage Overlay and Single Dwelling Covenant information in the maps contained in each Neighborhood Character Precinct Statement are indicative only and should not be relied upon for decision making. The City of Boroondara does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information in the maps and does not accept responsibility for any losses or damages (whether direct or consequential) suffered by you or any other person arising from your use of or reliance on this information.

Please contact Council’s Urban Planning Department to confirm what overlays and zones apply to your property and refer to your property title to determine what restrictions or covenants apply to your property. 

 Find your neighbourhood precinct

  • Enter your street name only (without the property number) in the search box below and click ‘update’ to view your precinct number
  • Or view the Neighbourhood Character Precincts map

Then find the corresponding Precinct Statement below.

For more information, email [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4888.

Precinct Statements

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