Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

About our Housing Strategy

This strategy sets an overarching framework for housing in Boroondara and is guided by the Boroondara Community Plan 2021–2031. Our Housing Strategy will also help us advocate to the Victorian and Australian governments about housing issues that are outside our control.

3 key strategic directions

Our Strategy identifies 3 key strategic directions that outline our approach to responding to Boroondara's housing needs:

  1. Housing diversity in appropriate locations
  2. Housing that is sustainable and achieves design excellence.
  3. Housing that meets the needs of all residents, now and in the future.

Some recommended actions in the strategy, like potential policy changes, will need more work before we can put them in place. This includes further strategic work and consultation with the community.

How we developed our Housing Strategy

Community consultation

We consulted with the community to develop our Housing Strategy. The community shared their feedback on the draft Housing Strategy through our online survey and drop-in sessions with Council officers. You can find out what our community told us on Your Say Boroondara

Data and insights

We considered the latest data and insights, including Census data and projections to understand:

  • how our community lives
  • population changes
  • changes to housing needs
  • what our community values
  • current and upcoming housing needs and challenges.

How our community lives

Important insights into Boroondara's housing needs and how these might change over time comes from an understanding of the current population and household trends.

Did you know that most households in Boroondara are couples with children? There has also been an increase in couple-only or single-person households.

Our population continues its ageing trend, with an increase in people over 65 years old (15% in 2011 and 18% in 2021). Our dominant housing type is stand-alone houses (53%), followed by medium density (29%) and high-density homes (18%).

Population changes

Over the next 15 years, our population is projected to increase by around 28,700 residents and 9,400 dwellings, based on the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data.

Our Housing Strategy is a strategic framework that guides different types of housing to appropriate locations, providing diverse housing choices for current and future residents.

What our community values

As part of the Boroondara Community Plan 2021–2031, our community said:

‘We value our local heritage. We value Council’s advocacy to protect the distinct character of our neighbourhood streets and carefully regulate new development. Diversity in housing size and affordability is also important to us.’

We placed value in areas that align to what our community said they value, including protecting the character of our neighbourhoods.

Needs and challenges

Our Housing Strategy identifies and addresses the key housing-related needs and challenges in Boroondara, which include:

  • protecting our heritage and character
  • sustainability
  • design excellence
  • housing diversity and choice
  • housing capacity
  • an ageing population
  • housing affordability
  • social and affordable housing
  • homelessness
  • infrastructure capacity.

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