Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

You need Report and Consent to erect a hoarding on any property boundary that faces a street or laneway.

A hoarding protects and separates the public from building and construction works.  

It can include a:

  • temporary boarded fence
  • solid hoarding
  • gantry (a tall metal frame that supports heavy machines such as cranes)
  • scaffolding
  • bollard.

If the hoarding extends more than 300 mm past the property boundary or if it is erected onto a laneway, you also need to apply for a Road and Footpath Occupancy Permit.

How to apply

Complete the Application to Erect Hoardings Over a Street Alignment below. 

With your application include:

  • Site plan showing the location and type of hoarding, width of footpaths and any street furniture.
  • Architectural drawings of the hoarding, including section, elevations, standard details and fixing details.
  • A letter from your building surveyor approving the proposed hoarding.
  • A Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance with a cover of at least $10 million.

Submit the form and supporting documents by email to [email protected] or to our council offices.

There is a $325 application fee and $176 inspection fee per inspection.

We will inspect the hoarding once a month. 

We will email you an invoice for the fees after you submit your application. 

Expect it to take 15 business days for us to assess your application. 

Download Application to Erect Hoardings Over a Street Alignment

More information

For more information email [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4999.

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