On this page

We can provide you with information about your property that is associated with an approved Building Permit. 

Get copies of Building Permit documentation

Building owners can request copies of existing plans and documents that were approved as part of Building Permits.

To request copies of approved plans and documents, complete the form and submit it by email to [email protected] or to our council offices.

Fees are listed in the form and depend on what documents you need. We'll email you an invoice after you apply. 

Download application form for copies of Building Permits and plans

Get property information for your private building surveyor

Your private building surveyor may need information about your property that is held by us, such as flood reports.

Complete the form and submit it by email to [email protected] or to our council offices.

The fee is $52.10. We'll email you an invoice after you apply.

Download application for property information for a private building surveyor

Get neighbouring property owners' contact details

When building or excavating near a boundary, you must ensure that neighbouring property isn't affected or damaged by your work. 

You or your registered building surveyor must issue a protection works notice to neighbours. Your building surveyor will identify this. 

We will supply the contact information of neighbouring property owners only when the details (including registration number) of the registered building surveyor for your works are provided to us.

Complete the form and submit it by email to [email protected] or to our council offices.

The fee is $60 per property requested. We'll email you an invoice after you apply.

Download application for ownership details for protection works

Get property information for solicitors

When you sell a property, your solicitor can request the following types of property information:

  • Building Permits issued in the last 10 years
  • inspections
  • property risks, such as flood reports and termite risk areas.

To request property information for a solicitor, complete the form and submit it by email to [email protected] or to our council offices.

The fee is $52.10 for each type of property information. We'll email you an invoice after you apply.

Download application for property information for solicitors

More information

For more information email [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4999.

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