Find information to help you with Council requirements for your property improvements.
Child pages
Aerials and antennasYou may need a Building Permit to install an aerial or antenna in Boroondara.
Alter or extend your houseFind out what permits you need to alter or extend your house in Boroondara.
DecksFind out what permits you need to build a deck.
Demolish all or part of a buildingFind out what permits you need to demolish all or part of a building or structure.
Driveway crossoversFind out which permits you need to build, repair or remove a driveway crossover.
FencesThe permits you need to build or replace a fence. Disputes with neighbours over side fences.
PergolasCheck if you need a Building Permit, Planning Permit or any other permits to build a pergola.
Pools and spasRegister a pool or spa, safety barrier requirements and permits needed to install a pool or spa.
Retaining wallsCheck which permits you need to build a retaining wall in Boroondara.
Satellite dishCheck which permits you need to install a satellite dish on your property in Boroondara.
Shed, garage, carport or gazeboCheck if you need a Building Permit, Planning Permit or any other permits to build a shed, garage, carport or gazebo.
Small second homesThe Victorian Government introduced changes to the Boroondara Planning Scheme to support the development of land for a small second home.
Solar panelsFind out if you need a Planning Permit, a Building Permit or other permits to install solar panels on houses in Boroondara.
VerandahsCheck which permits you need to build a verandah in Boroondara.
Water tanksFind out which permits you need to install a water tank.