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The Victorian Government is proposing to redevelop public housing at the Markham Estate in Markham Avenue, Ashburton.


The project is part of the Victorian Government’s Public Housing Renewal Program and is being managed by Development Victoria, the Victorian Government’s property development agency. 

A substantial part of the site will be sold-off to enable the development of 190 private housing units, comprising townhouses and apartments, to fund the construction of 62 public housing units.

Development Victoria has prepared planning scheme amendment C251, which will make the Minister for Planning the responsible authority for the site and removes any third party rights to object or appeal from Council and the community

Council is currently advocating to the Victorian Government to reconsider its approach to delivering public housing projects. We are calling for an increase in the number of public housing dwellings and for Council to remain the responsible authority for assessing and determining redevelopment proposals.

Our concerns with the proposal

  • Only 6 additional public housing units are proposed compared to the number previously occupying the site. With a public housing waiting list of 35,000 people across Victoria, we want more public housing and less private housing built on the estate.
  • Public land that could be utilised for additional public housing is being sold to developers to construct private housing.
  • The exclusion of Council and the community from the normal planning process.
  • Poor integration between public and private housing. The public housing has been given a poorer quality design and is a return to the segregated housing model of the past.
  • The proposed buildings are far too large and too close to the park, up to seven storeys in height in an area where the tallest buildings are currently two storeys. This will negatively impact on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas and create considerable overshadowing of the community garden and reserve.
  • Too many trees will be removed and trees being retained are in jeopardy because of the proximity of buildings and construction works.
  • Not enough space within the site to plant new, large canopy trees to replace trees to be cut down.
  • Basement construction may alter the water table and potentially affect established native trees in the reserve to the south.
  • The proposal does not comply with the Boroondara Planning Scheme and the Victorian Government’s Better Apartment Design Standards.

What you can do

Contact the Minister to voice your concerns.

Minister for Planning and Housing

Phone: (03) 8683 0964

Email: [email protected]

Timeline of activities

1 March 2017Council met with the Minister for Planning to discuss the proposal.
16 January 2017Places Victoria informed Council that they were revising the final version of the development application.
20 December 2016Places Victoria lodged the final version of the development application with the Minister for Planning
16 November 2016Council attended Places Victoria information session
18 November 2016Council requested further information on Places Victoria’s draft application for amendment C251
21 November 2016Councillors met with Places Victoria
22 November 2016Council attended a public forum organised by Ashburton Residents Action Group
19 December 2016Council resolved at the UPSC to oppose the Victorian Government’s proposal

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