12 January 2025Doncaster Park and Ride closed for upgrade works.
October 2024NELP funded tree planting confirmed at Columba Street Reserve.
4 to 24 September 2024Doncaster Park and Ride Urban Design and Landscape Plan on public exhibition.
6 May 2024Victorian Minister for Planning approves the Koonung Creek Reserve Construction Compound Plan.
March 2024Hoarding and temporary fencing installation around construction site begins in Koonung Creek Reserve. Most of the reserve becomes off limits to the public.
18 April 2024Victorian Minister for Planning approves the Koonung Creek Reserve (Doncaster Road) Construction Compound Plan
26 February 2024Council endorses and adopts Koonung Creek Reserve Master Plan design.
December 2023Victorian Government awards the Nexus the contract to deliver the first part of the $5.7 billion overhaul of the Eastern Freeway from Burke to Tram Road.
27 November 2023Council endorses the submission on the Eastern Freeway Upgrades Urban Design and Landscape Plan. 
10 November 2023Victorian Minister for Planning approves the Freeway Golf Course Construction Compound Plan.
27 September to 22 October 2023Council hosts community consultation on the Koonung Creek Reserve draft concept design.
3 February 2023Spark’s central (tunnels) Urban Design and Landscape Plan approved and endorsed by the Minister for Planning.
30 December 2022Victorian Government takes possession of the Boroondara Tennis Centre.
22 December 2022Boroondara Tennis Centre closes due to acquisition of the land by North East Link Program.
18 October 2022North East Link announces the Nexus consortium as the preferred bidder for the South Package.
7 October 2022North East Link early works to realign electrical utilities, water and sewer mains finish at Freeway Golf Course, Boroondara Tennis Centre and other locations in the north.
15 September 2022Victorian Government divests the Boroondara Tennis Centre.
20 June 2022Council endorses the submission to the Spark/NEL Tunnels Urban Design and Landscape Plan.
11 May to 25 May 2022Council conducts community consultation about the Koonung Creek Reserve to help inform its submission to the Spark/NEL Tunnels Urban Design Landscape Plan (UDLP) public exhibition, advocating on behalf of Boroondara residents.
11 May to 31 May 2022Spark conducts community consultation on UDLP for the central tunnel package of the NEL.
February 2022NELP calls for submissions on Planning Scheme Amendment - C135mann Bulleen Park Sporting Facilities.
December 2021Tree planting at Hyde Park, Kew funded by NELP as part of Settlement Agreement with Council.
1 Jan 2021NEL works to relocate water and sewer infrastructure underway at Freeway Golf Course, Boroondara Tennis Centre and Koonung Creek Reserve.
30 November 2020Council adopts and endorses the submission to the Bulleen Park and Ride Urban Design and Landscape Plan.
2 November to 7 December 2020NELP conducts 5 week public exhibition of the Bulleen Park and Ride Urban Design and Landscape Plan.
17 July 2020Council withdraws from judicial proceedings following lengthy negotiations.
End May 2020Two consortia seeking to design and build the NEL present bids to the Victorian Government.
24 April 2020Directions hearing held for the Supreme Court Challenge.
23 March 2020Minister for Planning approves the North East Link Urban Design Strategy (UDS).
20 March 2020Minister for Planning approves the North East Link Urban Design Framework.
11 February 2020The Council Alliance (Boroondara, Banyule and Whitehorse) and Manningham launch North East Link legal challenge.
3 January 2020Victorian Government gazettes the Planning Scheme Amendment GC98 for the NEL.
5 December 2019Minister for Planning releases his assessment report and the Inquiry and Advisory Committee report.  The Minister considers the project can proceed.
October 2019NELP shortlists 3 contractors to tender for the Primary Works package (construction).
September 2019NELP appoints CPB as contractors to undertake Early Works associated with the NEL.
26 July to 16 September 2019Draft EES Inquiry and Advisory Committee hearing held.
17 June 2019

Council endorses submissions to the:

  • Australian Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act Public Environment Report for the NEL.
  • Victorian Government Environment Effects Act Environment Effects Statement for the NEL.
10 April to 7 June 2019Draft Environment Effects Statement (EES) released for public exhibition. The EES is on display at all Boroondara libraries for the community to view.
2 May 2019Community information session about the EES. View the presentation from the community information session.
26 November 2018

NELP releases Invitation for Expressions of Interest (Early Works) and Invitation for Expressions of Interest (Primary Package).

Council endorses 2 concept designs for inclusion in the Bulleen Park land use planning project to save the Boroondara Tennis Centre and the Freeway Golf Course.

8 September 2018

NELP releases:

  • the Stage 3 Market Engagement to Participate to the construction industry.
  • a refined project design for community feedback and holds community information sessions.

NELP publishes the traffic noise standard of 63 decibels for the project along the length of the Eastern Freeway and confirms this includes all Boroondara properties abutting the Eastern Freeway.

8 August 2018NELP holds the first and only community workshop for all clubs and facilities impacted by the Bulleen Park land use plan.
28 June 2018The NEL declaration under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act is gazetted.
24 June 2018Victorian Government releases EES final scoping requirements.
23 June 2018Victorian Liberal Party announces support for the NEL.
19 June 2018

The Minister for Roads and Road Safety is nominated as the NEL Project Minister.

The NEL is declared under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act.

27 May 2018The Victorian Government releases the business case for the NEL.
13 April 2018

The Federal Department of the Environment and Energy (DoEE) publishes its decision on the NELP Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act referral. The DoEE determines the NEL is a controlled action and will require assessment and approval by means of a Public Environment Report.

NELP holds public information sessions and releases first project design update.

6 February 2018Council presents a formal submission on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act referral to the DoEE.
2 February 2018Works proposed by NELP declared Public Works under the Environment Effects Act 1978; NELP must prepare an EES.
15 January 2018NELP submits a referral to the DoEE under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
25 November 2017Victorian Government announces Melbourne’s first dedicated, high-speed busway to be built as part of the NEL project.
24 November 2017Victorian Government announces Corridor Option A as preferred route.
18 September 2017Council presents a submission to NELP advocating for corridor option C and strongly opposing corridor option A.
12 September 2017Council hosts community forum.
17 August 2017North East Link Project (NELP) holds public information session.
7 August 2017Victorian Government releases 4 corridor options for the North East Link (NEL).

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