Apply for Report and Consent when your building plans:

  • do not meet the siting requirements in the Building Regulations 2018, part 5 (siting matters)
  • affect community assets, infrastructure or amenity (non-siting matters).

Report and Consent for siting matters

The siting requirements in the Building Regulations 2018 cover:

  • the maximum height for your property or fence
  • how far your property must be set back from the street or side/rear boundary (minimum setback)
  • the distance your property can overlook or overshadow another property.

Apply for Report and Consent for siting matters when your plans do not meet these requirements.

Report and Consent for non-siting matters

Non-siting matters are when your plans meet the Building Regulations 2018 requirements but the building works affect:

  • community assets
  • existing infrastructure
  • amenity.

You must apply for Report and Consent for non-siting matters to:

You must get Report and Consent approval before you can start these activities.

More information

Email [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4999.

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