Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

We're delivering upgrades around the Surrey Hills Shopping Centre to improve its appearance. These upgrades commenced after the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) completed their major works to remove the Union Road level crossing.

Works underway

In addition to the raised pavement crossings being delivered by the LXRP at Stirling Crescent and Sunbury Road to improve pedestrian safety, we are delivering 2 more at:

  • Croydon Road 
  • Windsor Crescent.

These road works commenced earlier this year and are expected to be completed by Wednesday 21 February (weather permitting).

To ensure the works are completed safely and efficiently, we will need to restrict vehicle access in and out of Union Road onto Croydon Road and Windsor Crescent. Vehicle access to Croydon Road and Windsor Crescent will still be possible from connecting streets during this time. Pedestrian access to Croydon Road and Windsor Crescent will be maintained.

You can view our concept plans in the Downloads section on this page.

Works completed

The streetscape upgrade works included:

  • renewing the footpaths along Union Road
  • refreshing garden beds, including installing new bluestone edging to complement the heritage character of the precinct
  • planting 6 new trees
  • installing new street furniture like seats, bicycle hoops and bins.

Streetscape upgrades started from mid-June 2023 and were completed in October 2023.

We also enhanced the forecourt outside the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre. These works included:

  • resurfacing the paved area
  • updating the paved surface at the Union Road interface
  • removing the stair access
  • creating an accessible path into the centre
  • installing a new accessible picnic table and benches
  • relocating the totems and installing lights at their base (subject to power authority approval).

The Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre works are also complete.


We have worked with the LXRP to align the delivery of these upgrades as closely as possible with the end of their major works. We have done this to minimise any further disruption to traders.

WhenStageProgress update
Early-2019Community engagement about the shopping centre improvements.Completed - we consulted traders and the community about the proposed shopping centre improvements. 
Late-2019 Shopping centre improvements on hold.Completed - given the impact the LXRP works were likely to have on the shopping centre, a decision was made to delay the shopping centre improvement works until the LXRP’s works were complete.
February 2023Discussions with traders and other key stakeholders about shopping centre improvements.Completed - we door-knocked and contacted key traders and other key stakeholders in the Surrey Hills Shopping Centre to inform them about our plans to deliver upgrades around the shopping centre.  
Mid-to-late 2023Streetscape upgrades are expected to be completed and Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre forecourt works begin.Completed - All garden beds have been planted. 
Early 2024Raised pavement crossings are installed at Windsor Crescent and Croydon Road.Completed - Works were completed in February 2024.

More information

If you have any questions, please contact our Landscape and Design team at [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4444.

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