Apply to subdivide land

Subdivision is dividing land into 2 or more lots with individual land titles. 

To subdivide land you need a Planning Permit.

Some Planning Permit applications can be processed faster through VicSmart. Check if you're eligible to apply for a Planning Permit with VicSmart

Step 1: Hire a land surveyor

Your Planning Permit application needs to be prepared by a licensed land surveyor.

You can find a land surveyor through: 

Step 2: Submit your application

Your land surveyor submits the Planning Permit application via an online system called SPEAR. They also pay the application fee.

If we need more information we'll ask your land surveyor within 28 days. 

Find out how we assess your application on our Apply for a Planning Permit page

Expect it to take at least 60 business days for us to assess your application. 

Step 3: Apply for certification

Your land surveyor applies for a Certified Plan of Subdivision with us online and pays the fee.

Expect it to take around 35 days for us to assess your application. 

Step 4: We provide a Statement of Compliance 

We provide a Statement of Compliance via SPEAR.

Solicitors use the statement to apply for new Certificates of Title on behalf of owners. Land Use Victoria processes new Certificates of Title, not Council.


View the planning and subdivision fees on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website

Apply to consolidate land

Consolidation is combining land with separate land titles into one. 

To consolidate land you need to apply for consolidation. 

Step 1: Hire a land surveyor

Your application for consolidation needs to be prepared by a licensed land surveyor.

You can find a land surveyor through: 

Step 2: Apply for consolidation

Your land surveyor applies for consolidation via an online system called SPEAR. They also pay the application fee. 

Expect it to take around 21 days for us to assess your application. If we need to refer it to an external authority it could take 6 weeks. 

Step 3: Get your new Certificate of Title

Once we've approved your application, Land Use Victoria processes the new Certificate of Title. 

Your solicitor will apply for the new Certificate of Title on your behalf. 

More information

Learn more about residential subdivision (Clause 56) in the Boroondara Planning Scheme

To check if your land is in a special planning overlay, visit the VicPlan website

For more information email Planning and Placemaking at [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4888.

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