Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

In addition to our resources and programs, there are many other fantastic resources and organisations to support you on your sustainability journey.

Cool Australia

Cool Australia provide real world learning activities, an online digital library and professional development to support real world learning and teaching. The learning activities are free and are year level specific, from early learning to Year 12. The activities are linked to Australian Curriculum standards and the Early Years Learning Framework outcomes. To find out more, see the Cool Australia website.

ResourceSmart Schools

ResourceSmart Schools are a 5-star certification framework designed to assist Victorian schools through their sustainability journey. To find out more, see the Sustainability Victoria website.

Schools Water Efficiency Program (SWEP)

Schools Water Efficiency Program (SWEP) are funded by the Victorian Government and enable schools to track water usage, find leaks, save water and promote water education in the curriculum. For more information visit the SWEP website.

CERES Community Environment Park

CERES Community Environment Park is a not-for-profit educational organisation located on 4ha of rehabilitated land in East Brunswick. It offers excursions, incursions, teacher training and outreach. Visit the CERES Sustainability Hub website to learn more.

Gould League

Gould League provides resources and excursions including on waste minimisation, biodiversity and marine ecosystems. Visit the Gould League website to find out more.

Environment Education Victoria (EEV)

Environment Education Victoria (EEV) is an independent, not-for-profit, membership-based organisation offering resources to support sustainability education, including School as a Catchment, OMG! - Oh My Garbage!, Great Grasslands and CALD resources. To find out more, see the EEV website.

Environmental Education in Childhood (EEEC)

Environmental Education in Childhood (EEEC) is a not-for-profit organisation providing support, resources and professional development around education for sustainability in the early years. See the EEEC website for more information.

Yarra Valley Water

Yarra Valley Water provides free classroom incursions and a range of free resources that aim to support teachers to include water education into the school curriculum. For more information on teaching resources and student resources, see the Yarra Valley Water website.

Climate Change Education Network

Climate Change Education Network is an open collective of academics working in climate change education. The Network offers resources to support Climate Change education in schools. For more information, visit Climate Change Education Network website.

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