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On this page

Using sustainable transport helps to:

  • reduce traffic and congestion
  • improve air quality
  • support action on climate change.

This includes public transport and car share services.

Cycling and walking are also great ways to travel sustainably. Explore our Cycling and walking pages for routes, maps and social groups.

Public transport services

There are many public transport services to help you get around the City of Boroondara:

To use these services, buy a Myki pass at train stations, or online via the Myki website.

Plan your journey

Visit the Public Transport Victoria website to check:

  • local routes and maps
  • timetables
  • ticket prices.

Car share services

Use a car share service to get around Boroondara.

These vehicles are parked in specific parking bays throughout the city.

To use these services, become a member and book your vehicle.

Car share services in Boroondara:

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