​​The Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016 ​sets out the fees that planning and responsible authorities may charge. 

Planning Scheme Amendments

The fees for planning scheme amendments are set out in Regulation 6. They are based on a monetary unit and adjusted on an annual basis (2023–24 is $15.90).

StageStage of amendmentFee (exempt from GST)Paid to
a) considering a request to amend a planning scheme; and
b) taking action required by Division 1 of Part 3 of the Act; and
c) considering any submissions which do not seek a change to the amendment; and
d) if applicable, abandoning the amendment.
(206 fee units)
Boroondara City Council by the person requesting an amendment, at the time of making the request.
a) considering
 Boroondara City Council by the person who requested the amendment, before Council considers the submissions.
 (i) up to and including 10 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; or$16,233.90
(1021 fee units)
 (ii) 11 to (and including) 20 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; or$32,436
(2040 fee units)
 (iii) submissions that exceed 20 submissions which seek a change to an amendment, and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; and$43,359.30
(2727 fee units)
 b) providing assistance to a panel in accordance with section 158 of the Act; and
c) making a submission to a panel appointed under Part 8 of the Act at a hearing referred to in section 24(b) of the Act; and
d) considering the panel's report in accordance with section 27 of the Act; and
e) after considering submissions and the panel's report, abandoning the amendment.
a) adopting the amendment or part of the amendment in accordance with section 29 of the Act; and
b) submitting the amendment for approval by the Minister in accordance with section 31 of the Act; and
c) giving the notice of the approval of the amendment required by section 36(2) of the Act.

(32.5 fee units)

if the Minister is not the planning authority or nil fee if the Minister is the planning authority.

Boroondara City Council by the person who requested the amendment, before Council adopts the amendment.
a) consideration by the Minister of a request to approve the amendment in accordance with section 35 of the Act; and
b) giving notice of approval of the amendment in accordance with section 36(1) of the Act.

(32.5 fee units)

if the Minister is not the planning authority or nil fee if the Minister is the planning authority.

The Minister for Planning

Fees for Stages 1, 2 and 3 are to be collected from any amendment proponents at the relevant stage. Stage 4 fee is payable to the Minister for Planning.  

If Council is the proponent of the amendment, only fees associated with Stage 4 are payable. 

Section 20(4) Ministerial Amendments

​​The fee for S20(4) amendments ​(e.g. interim Heritage Overlay requests) is set out in Regulation 7 and is $4,293 (based on 270 fee units).

Section 20A Prescribed Amendments

​​​The fee for S20A prescribed amendments ​(e.g. corrections, removal of duplicate and redundant provisions) is set out in Regulation 8​ and is $1,033.50 (based on 65 fee units).

Combined permit application and planning scheme amendment (Section 96 Amendments)

​The fee requirements for a planning permit combined with a request for amendment of a planning scheme, made in accordance with section 96A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 are set out at Regulation 14 of the Planning and Environment Act (Fees) Regulations 2016:

  • ​​The fee is the sum of the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made and 50% of each of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications were made.

​For more information on planning permit fees, refer to the Planning and Environment Fees Regulations 2016 and Legislation, regulations and fees.

Planning Panel Fees

In addition, there are also fees associated with the panel process. Council requires applicants for a planning scheme amendment to cover any Planning Panels Victoria fees. A Panel cost agreement form must be submitted before Council decides whether to commence the amendment process.