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We’re updating the local playground at Kellett Road Reserve in Malin Street, Kew.

Why we’re building a new playground

We’ve prioritised this playground to be updated as some equipment is ageing and the posts in the main timber play structures are starting to rot.

The new playground design aims to:

  • improve accessibility
  • offer a range of play experiences for children
  • complement the natural parkland while showcasing Melbourne's city views
  • ensure the space is a welcoming, inclusive and fun space for the community to enjoy now and into the future.

Community consultation

We asked our community to have their say on the design of the new playground.

We received 142 responses from community members (including children) over 2 stages of consultation. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback.

Visit our Kellett Reserve Playground upgrade consultation page to: 

  • learn what our community told us
  • understand how feedback was incorporated in the design process
  • view the key features in the design.

Our final design

New features

Key features of the new playground include:

  • a 4.8 metre play tower with a view towards the city
  • a basket swing
  • a tunnel slide
  • a climbing cube
  • fitness equipment.

Updated play equipment

We are updating some features from the existing playground that we heard are much-loved by our community, including:

  • teacup spinner (flying saucer)
  • 2 junior swings and 2 senior swings
  • play units
  • monkey bars
  • track glide
  • bird spring rocker.

Existing features around the playground that will also be updated include:

  • park seat overlooking the playground
  • picnic table setting
  • seating
  • drink fountain with dog bowl.

What isn’t included in the design

Some features our community told us they’d like to see that couldn’t be included, such as:

  • barbecue
  • fencing
  • sand and water play
  • shaded areas
  • public toilets.

This is because Kellett Reserve is classified as a ‘local’ playground, and certain features fall out of this project’s scope in the Boroondara Playground Strategy.

Read more about this on our Upgrading Boroondara's playgrounds page.

Construction timings

Construction of the new playground is expected to start from early-2025.

We’ll update this page and keep our community informed when construction timelines are confirmed.


DateProject stageProgress update
September to October 2023First stage of community consultation98 community members shared their local knowledge, special memories, stories and ideas to help us develop the draft design.
February to March 2024Second stage of community consultation44 community members shared their feedback the draft design, to further refine and finalise the design.
July 2024Final design releasedWe shared the final design for the new playground, which incorporates our community’s feedback.
From early-2025Construction startsWe expect to start building the new playground in early 2025, subject to Council's annual budget process.
From mid-2025 (subject to weather conditions)Construction completeWe will keep our community informed when construction timelines are confirmed.

More information

To receive updates about the works, visit our Kellett Reserve Playground upgrade consultation page and select ‘Follow’ at the top of the page.

For more information about the design, please contact or Landscape & Design team on (03) 9278 4444 or [email protected].

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