With its train- and tram-themed play equipment, Deepdene Park playground offers play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities.

Playground features

  • train-themed play unit with climbing wall, shop counter, tunnel and slides
  • new swings including a toddler seat, a joey swing and a separate senior swing frame
  • nature play including a water pump, balancing logs and a creek bed
  • barbecue and picnic tables
  • monkey bars with a track glide
  • new paving between the play equipment, the road and the car park to improve amenity for wheelchairs and people with limited mobility
  • new shade trees 
  • an upgraded tram to play in
  • new bike parking hoops
  • an accessible drinking fountain.

More information

  • Deepdene Park playground is at 118–126 Whitehorse Road, Deepdene. It's classified as a local playground. Find out more about playground categories.
  • The playground’s design was shaped by community feedback in 2020.
  • Learn about when and why we upgrade playgrounds
2 swings at a playground with climbing frames in the background

Playgrounds in Boroondara

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