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A warm and friendly community-managed kindergarten with a strong focus on family.

In 2025, Rowen Street Kindergarten will be managed by Glen Education and become Glen Education Rowen Street Kindergarten.

Contact details

Address: 27 Rowen Street, Glen Iris 3146

Kindergarten direct phone: (03) 9889 7996

Email: [email protected]

Glen Education phone: (03) 9570 5866

Website: gleneducation.org.au/locations/glen-education-rowen-street

Visit the kindergarten: Go to our Open days for kindergartens page for information about the annual open day in May or contact the kindergarten to arrange a time to visit.

About Glen Education Rowen Street Kindergarten

A kindergarten that believes optimal learning happens when children are in a safe, warm, caring, inviting and stimulating environment. Glen Education Rowen Street Kindergarten is managed by Glen Education. Find out more on the Glen Education website

Glen Education Rowen Street offers two 3-year-old and two 4-year-old classes in 2 classroom facilities.

The kindergarten is located on a large corner-block and boasts some of the largest kindergarten premises in Boroondara. It was refurbished in 2023. 

New features include:

  • extension of one of the kindergarten rooms
  • a better layout to create easier access to the kindergarten rooms from the foyer
  • upgrades to the entry, foyer​ and toilets to make the building accessible for people of all abilities
  • a new shared office and planning area with a kitchenette 
  • a new meeting room.

2025 session times

3-year-old kindergarten program

Tuesday/Thursday – 30 places (formerly known as Beetles)

This program offers 15 hours of free kinder per week and subject to availability an optional 7.5 additional hours.

DayFree kinder hoursAdditional hours
Tuesday8:30 am to 4 pmNone
Thursday8:30 am to 4 pmNone
FridayNone8:30 am to 4 pm

Monday/Wednesday – 30 places (formerly known as Butterflies)

This program offers 15 hours of free kinder per week and subject to availability an optional 7.5 additional hours.

DayFree kinder hoursAdditional hours
Monday8:30 am to 4 pmNone
Wednesday8:30 am to 4 pmNone
FridayNone8:30 am to 4 pm

4-year-old kindergarten program

Tuesday/Thursday – 30 places (formerly known as Ladybugs)

This program offers 15 hours of free kinder per week and subject to availability an optional 7.5 additional hours.

DayFree kinder hoursAdditional hours
MondayNone8:30 am to 4 pm
Tuesday8:30 am to 4 pmNone
Thursday8:30 am to 4 pmNone

Wednesday/Friday – 30 places (formerly known as Dragonflies)

This program offers 15 hours of free kinder per week and subject to availability an optional 7.5 additional hours.

DayFree kinder hoursAdditional hours
MondayNone8:30 am to 4 pm
Wednesday8:30 am to 4 pmNone
Friday8:30 am to 4 pmNone

2025 fees per term

3-year-old kindergarten program:

  • Tuesday/Thursday free kinder hours (15 hours per week): Free
  • Monday/Wednesday free kinder hours (15 hours per week): Free
  • Friday additional hours (7.5 hours per week): $920 (managed by Glen Education)

4-year-old kindergarten program:

  • Tuesday/Thursday free kinder hours (15 hours per week): Free
  • Wednesday/Friday free kinder hours (15 hours per week): Free
  • Monday additional hours (7.5 hours per week): $920 (managed by Glen Education)

2025 deposit

  • Enrolment deposit: $100. This is refundable upon commencement. 

Deposit not required for Kindergarten Fee Subsidy or Early Start Kindergarten.

Rating against the National Quality Standard

Early childhood education and care services are assessed and rated against the National Quality Standard (NQS) to:

  • promote continuous improvement in the provision of quality education and care
  • improve knowledge and access to information about the quality of services to help families make informed decisions about their child’s education and care.

See Glen Education Rowen Street Kindergarten's rating against the NQS and learn more about the rating and assessment process on the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority website.

Note: These details have been provided by Rowen Street Kindergarten. For the most up-to-date information, visit the Glen Education Rowen Street Kindergarten website.

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