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Criminal incident data was sourced from the Crime Statistics Agency.

In 2023-24 Victoria Police recorded 6,133 criminal incidents that took place in Boroondara. This was the fourth lowest criminal incident rate per capita of all metropolitan Melbourne local government areas. Boroondara’s criminal incident rate has been considerably lower than Victoria’s for at least the last 10 years (Figure 1).

Figure 1 is a line chart which shows that between 2014-15 and 2023-24 the criminal incident rate in Boroondara has ranged from a low of 3109 in 2018-19 to a high of 3804 in 2019-20. The 2023-24 rate was 3444. Victoria's rate has been considerably higher than Boroondara's for the whole period and was 5886 per 100,000 population in 2023-24.

Figure 1: Boroondara has fewer criminal incidents per 100,000 population than Victoria and 2022-23 and 2023-24 have seen the gap widen.

Most recorded criminal incidents in Boroondara are property and deception incidents (Figure 2). The most frequently recorded criminal incident subgroup in Boroondara in 2023-24 was steal from a motor vehicle (Figure 3). This is a property and deception offence.

Figure 2 is a chart which shows that 4721 of the total recorded criminal incidents in Boroondara during 2023-24 were property and deception crimes. 744 were crimes against the person, 387 were justice procedures crimes, 144 were public order crimes, 132 were drug crimes and 6 were other crimes.

Figure 2: Most criminal incidents in Boroondara during 2023-24 were property and deception incidents.

bar chart with the top 10 most recorded principal offence subgroups for criminal incidents in Boroondara during 2023-24. stealing from a motor vehicle with 1270, steal from a retail store with 627, other theft with 607, residential non-aggravated burglary’ with 464, ‘criminal damage’ with 349, ‘residential-aggravated burglary’ with 316, ‘obtain benefit by deception’ with 301, ‘motor vehicle theft’ with 238, ‘non-residential non-aggravated burglary’ with 213, ‘non-family violence Common assault’ with 152.

Figure 3: The most frequently recorded principal offence subgroup in Boroondara in 2023-24, by a large margin, was steal from a motor vehicle.
Of the 10 most frequently recorded incidents, the principal offence for all but one (Non-family violence common assault) were property and deception offences.

Offence type by region

Table 1 shows Boroondara’s criminal incident rate against the Victorian rate and the average rate for the seven local government areas of the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) which includes:

  • Boroondara
  • Knox
  • Manningham
  • Maroondah
  • Monash
  • Whitehorse
  • Yarra Ranges.

Table 1: Criminal incidents per 100,000 residents, 2023-24

Offence typeBoroondaraEMR LGA averageVictoria
Assault          236367628
Sexual offences    71106149
Blackmail and extortion255
Stalking and threat            5275119
Dangerous and negligent2334 60
Total violent offences          4186181,009

Crimes against property

Offence typeBoroondaraEMR LGA averageVictoria
Property damage250320532
Burglary/break and enter    561496555
Theft           163616112214
Deception          195213276
Total crimes against property offences           2,6522,6603,614

Drug offences

Offence typeBoroondaraEMR LGA averageVictoria
Drug dealing and trafficking     101834
Cultivate or manufacture drugs 132228
Drug use and possession 51105149
Total drug offences74145211

Public order and security

Offence typeBoroondaraEMR LGA averageVictoria
Weapons and explosives3772131
Disorderly and offensive conduct212453
Public nuisance222035
Public security 10Less than 1
Total public order and security offences81116219

Justice procedures

Offence typeBoroondaraEMR LGA averageVictoria
Justice procedures 3560119
Breaches of orders 182411703
Total justice procedures offences217471822

Other offences

Offence typeBoroondaraEMR LGA averageVictoria
Transport regulation offences 223
Other government regulatory offences 112
Miscellaneous offences123
Total other offences 458

For more information on recorded criminal offences, including postcode level crime statistics, see the Crime Statistics Agency.

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