As a property owner in Boroondara, we might write to inform that we intend to include your property in a Heritage Overlay. You may wonder how this will affect your plans to develop the property.

Owning a property in a Heritage Overlay does not prohibit you from developing the property.

However, it does mean that you need to ask Council for planning permission before making certain changes to your house.

Proposed Heritage Overlays and your property

The process of introducing a new Heritage Overlay can take up to 2 years. It includes decision-making at both Council and State Government level.

If the Heritage Overlay is ultimately introduced to your property:

  • You are not responsible for returning the property to its original appearance.
  • You are responsible for finding out whether you need a Planning Permit for your works by using our online tools or contacting us

The Heritage Council of Victoria has prepared a useful guide for homeowners wanting to renovate their heritage property. To read about the guide and download a copy, visit the Heritage Council of Victoria website.

Supporting or opposing a new Heritage Overlay

There are several opportunities to let Council know whether you support or oppose a proposed Heritage Overlay for your property or area. These include:

  • Preliminary consultation: After the heritage consultant has prepared a draft study or citation, affected residents and property owners are notified of the draft, made aware of any recommendations it contains and provided with a web address where they can download the study. Any interested party can provide feedback on the draft study’s recommendations.
  • Public exhibition: If Council adopts the study and begins the planning scheme amendment process, affected residents and owners or other interested parties can view the proposed amendment and make a submission.
  • Independent Panel hearing: Submitters will have the opportunity to participate in a public independent Planning Panel hearing in support of their submission.

For more information, visit Feedback on heritage studies and amendments.

Enquiries about proposed Heritage Overlays

For more information about proposed Heritage Overlays, email [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4815.

Properties in an existing Heritage Overlay

Follow these steps to:

  • find out if your property is already in a Heritage Overlay
  • find resources to help you plan your development.

Step 1: Confirm whether your property is in a Heritage Overlay

  1. Go to the VicPlan website. Search for the address of the property you would like to develop.
  2. Create a Planning Property Report.
  3. Open the report and go to the Planning Overlay section:
    • See whether the report lists a Heritage Overlay.
    • Look at the map to see whether the areas you will be developing are inside the Heritage Overlay boundaries.
  4. On the report, click the schedule number (for example H04) to access a page where you can view any special controls for that number, such as whether there are restrictions around painting the building, or whether the property is on the Victoria State Heritage list.

Step 2: Find out which permits and approvals apply to your project

  1. Go to Do I need a Permit?.
  2. Click the item that best describes your project and open the relevant guide. Begin at the first step and answer each question until you know which permits and approvals you require.

If your project is not listed on our Do I need a Permit page or you need more information about Planning permissions, contact Urban Planning Department at [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4888.

Step 3: Be aware of your building’s Heritage grading

The heritage grading of your building affects how we will assess your Planning Permit application

Find out about heritage grading categories.

Step 4: Read the relevant Statement of Significance

Find the Statement of Significance for your place or precinct using our interactive heritage map.

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