On this page

We have many places in the City of Boroondara that are heritage protected. We also have possible heritage places that are under investigation. This means we are looking into whether a particular place should be heritage protected.  

How to check your property

Use the map below to find out if your property is:

  • in a Heritage Overlay and what heritage grading it is
  • a possible heritage place. 

You need to:

  • search for your address
  • click on your property to see its heritage information.

The heritage information provided is a guide and not formal planning advice. Before you do any building, demolition or construction works, check the VicPlan website and get a planning property report to see whether your property is in a Heritage Overlay. To find out how an overlay affects property development, visit our Heritage and property development page.

Heritage gradings 

Each property in a Heritage Overlay has a grading based on how it contributes to the heritage of its precinct. The heritage grading affects how we assess Planning Permits. 

There are 3 different heritage gradings:

  1. Significant: places that are individually important. They also contribute to the heritage significance of their precinct.
  2. Contributory: places that contribute to the significance of a precinct when combined with other significant or contributory heritage places.
  3. Non-contributory: places with no heritage significance, but developing them can affect the precinct or surrounding heritage places.

We determine a property's grading during the relevant heritage study or assessment. You can find out more about this on our Heritage studies and assessments page.

Heritage precincts

Properties in a Heritage Overlay are listed either:

  • individually
  • as part of a heritage precinct.

A heritage precinct is an area made up of heritage places that are historically related or have common characteristics. They are often a group of houses or shopping strips.

Possible heritage places

A possible heritage place is a property we are investigating for heritage significance. During the investigation, we monitor the property for:

  • any applications for Report and Consent for full or partial demolition lodged under Section 29A of the Building Act 1993
  • any planning permit applications suggesting that demolition is requested.

If our investigation shows that a property is of heritage significance, we will find out if we can include the property in the Heritage Overlay as part of a Planning Scheme Amendment.

More information

For more information or help with using the map, contact our Strategic and Statutory Planning team on (03) 9278 4888 or email [email protected].

To learn more about heritage protection in Victoria, visit the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website

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