Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

If you receive an animal infringement notice and believe there’s good reason not to pay it, you can apply for it to be reviewed.

Before you apply for review, it is worth considering:

  • Less than 5% of infringements are withdrawn.
  • Less than 1% of infringements are withdrawn because of an error.
  • By law, you are considered the owner of a dog or cat even if you are only looking after it for a short time. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian is considered the owner of your dog or cat.
  • There are specific grounds for review.

How to apply for review

You need to apply for review before the payment due date, which is shown on your infringement notice.

  1. Download and complete the Animal infringement objection form below and attach any supporting documents. Visit our grounds for review page to find out what documents you need to provide.
  2. Submit the form and any supporting documents by mail to Council offices.
  3. When we receive your request, we'll suspend the fine until you receive a response from us, usually within 30 days. If your objection is unsuccessful, you'll have an additional 28 days to pay the fine.

For more information, email [email protected] or phone (03) 9278 4444.

While we can't review your fine over the phone, we can answer any questions you have about it.

Download Animal infringement objection form

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