If you want to keep more than the permitted number of animals, mammals or birds on your property (see table below), or keep any animals not listed in this table on your property, you need to apply for an Excess Animal Permit.

Private land with a single dwelling

Animal typeNumber allowed
without a permit
Dogs (aged over 3 months)2
Cats (aged over 3 months)2
Rabbits, guinea pigs and mice5
Roosters, pea fowl or guinea fowl0
Chickens and pheasants6
Turkeys, ducks and geese2
Poultry (other than those specified above)4
Domestic birds (caged, non-poultry)20

Private land with a multi-residential dwelling

Changes have been made to the Amenity Local Law regarding Excess Animal Permits for multi-residential dwellings.

These permitted numbers only apply to any new animals obtained after 20 December 2019.

Any animals obtained before this date (including animals not listed on this table) may be kept in line with an existing permit issued before 20 December 2019.

Animal typeNumber allowed
without a permit
Dogs (aged over 3 months)1
Cats (aged over 3 months)2
Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice2
Farm animals0
Roosters, peafowl or guinea fowl0
Chickens and pheasants0
Turkeys, ducks and geese0
Poultry other than that specified above0
Domestic Birds (caged, non-poultry birds)5

Changes to the Amenity Local Law

As of 20 December 2019, you do not need a permit when:

  • a planning permit has already been obtained for purposes such as animal boarding or breeding
  • you are caring for animals owned by another person for no more than 14 consecutive days.

If you want to keep animals on vacant land, you need to apply for an Excess Animal Permit. 

Step 1: Submit your application

Complete the Application for an Excess Animal Permit.

With your application, you’ll need to provide:

  • details of sanitation, shelter and food storage for the animals
  • details or any structures you’ve built or plan to build to house them
  • a photo of each animal
  • proof that dogs and cats have been desexed and microchipped
  • a diagram showing your property has enough space to house the animals and they are not located too close to your neighbours to be noisy or a nuisance.

You also need to pay $133.50 for an Excess Animal Permit.

You can pay by mail or in person at our Camberwell office. Find our office location and opening hours.

The application fee will not be refunded if your application is unsuccessful.

Step 2 Officer inspection

An Animal Management Officer will contact you once your application has been processed to organise an inspection of your property. They’ll sight and take photos of your pets and the resources they have access to. This inspection is to confirm the information you have provided in your application and to make sure there are no welfare concerns.

Step 3: Contact your neighbours

We’ll let your neighbours know about your request and give them the opportunity to comment.

Step 4: Application is assessed

An Animal Management Officer will contact you once your permit has been granted or to address any community concerns we receive.

More information

For further information please contact us on (03) 9278 4444 or email [email protected]

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