Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

We work in partnership with the community, emergency services and other relevant agencies and organisations to help prevent and minimise emergencies and their impact on the community.

See Council's Municipal Emergency Management Plan, which includes our plans and strategies for responding to emergencies such as floods and heatwaves.

Below are some helpful numbers and advice for common emergency situations.

  • Triple zero (000) for urgent police, fire and ambulance
  • 132 500 Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES)
  • 9278 4444 Council after hours.

VicEmergency also provides emergency warnings and the latest information about hazards in your area. Download the VicEmergency app to receive warnings from the SES and other Victorian emergency services as they are issued.


In the event of a fire, immediately call triple zero (000).

Fire Rescue Victoria has helpful information about safeguarding your house against a residential fire.

Fire Rescue Victoria can help you understand the risks and prepare a plan.

Flood or storm

During a flood or storm emergency, contact the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) on 132 500.

VICSES also has helpful information about how to prepare and stay safe during a storm.

Fallen trees

If a tree or branch has fallen on Council land, contact us.

If a tree or branch has fallen on private land, contact VICSES on 132 500.

Fallen powerlines and outages

If a powerline is down or you are experiencing faults, outages and loss of power supply, call triple zero (000).

You can also contact your electricity distributor. You can find the electricity and gas distributors for your area on the AGL website.

Hazardous materials

If there's a chemical emergency near you, do not leave your home. Close all windows and doors, turn off heating, fans and air-conditioning and cover or shut all vents. The air inside your home should give you protection for several hours.

Listen to emergency radio broadcasts or visit VicEmergency to find out when it's safe to leave your home.

Don't handle hazardous materials, such as chemicals that are corrosive, combustible, flammable, toxic or explosive. WorkSafe Victoria has guidelines on handling hazardous materials.

See Handling asbestos for more information about the handling and removing asbestos.


If you believe you or someone else has been poisoned, contact the Victorian Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26.

The service is open 24 hours and can advise on snake and insect bites, mistakes with medicines, overdoses and all other kinds of poisoning.

Traffic accidents and disruptions

If you are in or witness an accident, call triple zero (000).

If there is a traffic obstruction or issue, contact us or call triple zero (000).

For current information on traffic disruptions, visit VicRoads VicTraffic website or follow them on Facebook or Twitter.