On this page

Become a citizen scientist and help protect our native flora and fauna.

City Nature Challenge

This global program gathers data for scientists by documenting animals and plants throughout Melbourne and around the world.

The 4 day challenge runs from late April to early May each year.

You’ll record wild plants and animals you find across Boroondara using the iNaturalist app.

Watch these webinars to get prepared for the challenge and learn to use the iNaturalist app:

You can learn more about the global challenge at the City Nature Challenge website.

Great Southern Bioblitz

This is the largest biological survey in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Great Southern Bioblitz runs in October each year.

You will record wild plants and animals you find using the iNaturalist app.

For more information and to take part, visit the Great Southern Bioblitz website.

Melbourne Water Frog Census

This program collects data to help Melbourne Water manage frog populations.

Frogs are important to our waterway ecosystems.

You can take part any time of year.

You’ll record frog calls and collect data to track local frog populations.

For more information and to take part, visit the Melbourne Water Frog Census website.

Backyard Bird Count

This program helps:

  • develop an understanding of local birds
  • track important trends in bird communities
  • monitor the health of our environment.

The count runs in October each year.

You’ll spend 20 minutes each day taking note of all the birds you see and hear in your favourite outdoor space.

For more information and to take part, visit the Aussie Backyard Bird Count website.

National Waterbug Blitz

This program tracks waterbugs at your local creek, river or wetland.

This helps us identify water bodies that might need help.

The waterbugs found in our creeks, rivers and wetlands tell us a lot about the health of these water bodies.

You can take part any time of the year.

For more information and to take part, visit the National Waterbug Blitz website.

Wild Pollinator Count

This count helps experts understand and protect wild pollinators.

The count runs twice a year for one week, during spring and autumn.

You’ll help build a database of activity, by counting:

  • bees
  • butterflies
  • beetles
  • other pollinator species.

For more information and to take part, visit the Wild Pollinator Count website.

iNaturalist app

Contribute to biodiversity science anytime by observing and recording our plants and animals.

Visit the iNaturalist Australia website to download the app or find out more.

More information

Find more groups and organisations working to protect our native plants and wildlife.

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