Some of our services are closed or have different hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

On this page

You need to apply for a permit to trade outdoors at your business.

This includes if you want to:

  • trade on the footpath
  • set up a parklet
  • set up an outdoor dining structure.

Outdoor Trading Policy

Please read our Outdoor Trading Policy before applying for one of our outdoor trading permits. This policy is a guide for business owners on how to trade outdoors using shared spaces safely and fairly.

This overarching policy supports our guidelines for:

  • Footpath trading
  • Parklets
  • Outdoor dining structures.

These 3 guidelines are available to download on this page.

Our 3 types of outdoor trading permits

Annual permit fees 

Annual permit fees apply to all 3 of our outdoor trading permit types and are valid until 30 June 2025. We review these fees each year as part of our budget process.

Centres such as Burke Road in Camberwell and parts of Glenferrie Road in Hawthorn are priced differently per square metre. This is due to higher trading returns compared to other shopping centres, more people using the footpath and competing community demands.

There’s a one-off application fee for new permits of $95. Amendments to existing permits are $95.

Shopping centre precinctsFees
Burke Road in Camberwell$351 per square metre
Glenferrie Road in Hawthorn$269 per square metre
All other areas$160 per square metre

More information

For more information about outdoor trading permits, you can email [email protected] or call us on (03) 9278 4444.

You can request the application forms on this page as printable documents by emailing [email protected] and letting us know which forms you require.

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