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Explore local organisations where you can volunteer your time.

With a range of local organisations in Boroondara that offer a range of goods and services to support our community, this directory helps you browse, select and get in touch with organisations that most closely align with your interests and values.

Arts and culture

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Kew Historical Society

Kew Historical Society aims to engage, inform and educate the community about the economic, social, cultural and environmental history and heritage of Kew.

Volunteers assist with research, publications, talks, workshops and exhibitions. They provide a depository for printed materials, photographs, publications and other objects, which have significance to the history and heritage of Kew.

Address: Kew Heritage Centre, 1 Civic Drive, Kew 3101

Email: [email protected]

Website: Kew Historical Society website

Community services

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
B’nai B’rith Courage to Care Victoria

Courage to Care seeks to make racism and discrimination a thing of the past by delivering Upstander Programs that educate about the dangers of racism, prejudice, discrimination and bystander behaviour. 

Our Upstander Programs are based on the idea that every one of us can make a difference. Through the power of education, we can create true generational change.

Volunteers support the delivery of Upstander Programs by educating and empowering student participants to stand up against hate and to take positive action in their schools and communities. Full training and ongoing support is provided.

Address: 843a Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield 3162

Phone: (03) 9533 0955

Email: [email protected]

Website: Courage to Care Victoria – Courage to Care

Bowen Street Community Centre

Bowen Street Community Centre is a local community house in Camberwell. They provide educational programs and activities for adults and sessional childcare, playgroups, and children's classes and programs.

Volunteers assist with programs and centre operations.

Address: 102 Bowen Street, Camberwell 3124

Phone: (03) 9889 0791

Email: [email protected]

Website: Bowen Street Community Centre website

Camberwell Community Centre

Camberwell Community Centre is a dynamic organisation and home to arts and craft classes, social groups, community programs and multicultural seniors groups.

They welcome new ideas and value inclusive and progressive members and volunteers to assist with the centre’s operations and programs.

Address: 33 - 35 Fairholm Grove, Camberwell 3124

Phone: (03) 9882 2611

Email: [email protected]

Website: Camberwell Community Centre website

CamcareCamcare is a community of professionals and volunteers helping people in Boroondara in difficult times by providing wellbeing counselling services, information and practical assistance, material aid including food relief, parenting groups and a monthly BBQ.

Address: Camcare Camberwell
51 St Johns Ave, Camberwell VIC 3124

Camcare Ashburton
4 Y Street, Ashburton VIC 3147

Phone: (03) 9831 1900

Email: [email protected]

Website: Camcare website

Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre

Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre offers classes, activities and community events to promote community connection and well-being through life-long learning, friendship, and support.

The Centre has volunteer opportunities in governance and strategy, events and programs, marketing, social media, writing and editing, reception, administration and human resources, environment, and sustainability.

Address: 2 Rochester Road, Canterbury 3126

Phone: (03) 9830 4214

Email: [email protected]

Website: Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre website

Canterbury Toy Library

Canterbury Toy Library provides high quality educational toys to families with young children in the Boroondara area. They promote sustainability and learning through play by fostering a community of borrowing and sharing.

The have volunteer opportunities in the toy library and from home.

Address: 190a Canterbury Rd, Canterbury 3126

Phone: 0438 509 804

Email: [email protected]

Website: Canterbury Toy Library website

Diverse Communities and Social Services Australia

Diverse Communities and Social Services (DCSS Australia) is the only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, LGBTIQA+, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), diversity and inclusion focused organisation delivering the not-for-profit Community Justice and Social Services Program operating across Australia.

Volunteers and staff assist people with psycho-social and physical health difficulties to better manage the challenges of everyday life in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Email: [email protected]

Website: Diverse Communities and Social Services Australia website


DonateDirect aims to address the ongoing demand for material aid for people who are homeless and those struggling financially, and the increasing impact of household waste on the environment. The community list donations that are then matched to their community service partner client’s needs. Donations are transferred directly to people in need.

Volunteering opportunities include social media, fundraising and coordinating donations.

Phone: 0400 809 031

Email: [email protected]

Website: DonateDirect website

Fair Trade and Gift Shop

Fair Trade and Gift Shop is a volunteer-led initiative of Kew Rotary Club. Money is raised for local and international charities though the sale of new and donated goods.

Volunteer roles include retail, administration, marketing and communications, IT and environment.

Address: 650 High Street, Kew East 3102

Phone: 0419 837 225

Email: [email protected]

Website: Fair trade and gift shop website

Family Access Network

Family Access Network is a youth homelessness service that is committed to responding to the diverse needs of homeless and at-risk young people and young families.

There are various volunteer roles including youth mentoring and youth group volunteer roles.

Address: 1, 2-10 Harrow St, Box Hill 3128

Phone: (03) 9890 2673

Email: [email protected]

Website: Family Access Network website


FoodFilled is a food rescue charity run by youth, positively impacting the environment and our community. FoodFilled helps feed thousands of people every year thanks to our network of volunteers and retail/charity partners. 

Volunteers help deliver food to people in need. Commitment is twice a month for approximately 1 hour at a time. Volunteers require their own car. 

Address: 15 Filbert St, Caulfield South 3162

Phone: 0483 950 090

Email: [email protected]

Website: FoodFilled website

Kew Toy Library

Kew Toy Library is a membership-based, toy loan service to families with children aged 0-12 in Boroondara. They provide a low cost, sustainable option for parents to offer their children toys and educational resources suited to their developmental stage and interests.

They have opportunities for volunteers to help their coordinator run an open session on a regular basis.

Phone: 0492 949 738

Email: [email protected]

Website: Kew Toy Library website

Office of the Public Advocate

The Office of the Public Advocate safeguards and upholds the human rights of people with a cognitive disability and/or mental illness, and keeps them safe from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Volunteers visit in pairs as Community Visitors speaking to residents/patients about issues or concerns with their care and living arrangements.

Address: Level 1/204 Lygon Street, Carlton 3053

Phone: 0418 931 247

Email: [email protected]

Website: Office of the Public Advocate website

Rotary Club of CamberwellSince 1956, Rotary Club of Camberwell has been proudly serving the local and international communities. Camberwell Rotary offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities, including delivering a Myeloma regional nursing scholarship, supporting a local school, projects in Timor Leste, and Cambodia and Vietnamese orphanages.

Address: 2 Rochester Road, Canterbury 3126

Email: [email protected]  

Rotary Club of Glenferrie

Rotary Club of Glenferrie is a community organisation providing fellowship and undertaking projects that benefit the community both here and overseas.

Volunteers assist with all aspects of their community work, including community meals, tutoring, maintaining parks, and more.

Phone: 0413 621 172

Email: [email protected]

Website: Rotary Club of Glenferrie website

Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania)

Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) is the community services organisation of the Uniting Church, delivering services and programs across Victoria and Tasmania. They strive to make a difference for individuals, families and communities.

Volunteers are involved in all aspects of work including, emergency relief and community meals, aged care, asylum seeker support, disability, youth mentoring and op shops.

Phone: (03) 9192 8100

Email: [email protected]

Website: Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) website

Women and Mentoring

Women and Mentoring offers a unique, early intervention program that supports women charged with a criminal offence by matching them with a supportive female mentor.

Volunteer mentors are trained and resourced to provide appropriate support to the program participants, to share their skills and to contribute to the wider community.

Phone: 0422 608 391

Email: [email protected]

Website: Women and Mentoring website

Lions Club of Boroondara Central

Lions Club of Boroondara Central serves local, Australian and international communities, working with people and organisations to provide assistance where it is not available from government agencies. Their help can take the form of funding goods or providing a service.

Volunteers help raise funds through community activities, including sausage sizzles, Christmas cake sales and the Op Shop.

Phone: 0409 389 927

Email: [email protected]

Website: Lions Club of Boroondara Central website

Disability services

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Able Australia

Able Australia offers a broad range of services to help those with a disability live the life they choose.

Volunteers play an important role in the provision of programs and services to the deafblind community.

Address: 413 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills 3127

Phone: 1300 220 602

Email: [email protected]

Website: Able Australia website

Boroondara Stroke Support Group

Boroondara Stroke Support Group was formed for stroke survivors and carers to support one another in post-stroke management. It is a success due to the many volunteers who devote their time and energy to the group.

Volunteer roles include providing ad hoc strategic advice, conducting or assisting in an activity, or making a cup of tea for members.

Address: 533 High St, Kew 3101

Phone: (03) 8529 5307

Email: [email protected]

Website: Boroondara Stroke Support Group website

Inclusion MelbourneInclusion Melbourne provides support for people with a disability to live fulfilling lives in their local community. focussing on social inclusion, employment, education and community participation. They also provide social support for older people at risk of social isolation. Their Leisure Buddy service aims at matching volunteers with adults with disabilities who live close by and have shared mutual interests. They meet on a fortnightly basis.

Address: 67 Sutherland Road, Armadale 3143

Phone: (03) 9509 4266

Email: [email protected]

Website: Inclusion Melbourne website

Melbourne East Disability Advocacy

Melbourne East Disability Advocacy (MEDA) promotes and protects the rights of people with disability.

Volunteer opportunities include Volunteer Citizen Advocates and Volunteer Fundraisers.

Phone: (03) 9877 7990

Email: [email protected]

Website: Melbourne East Disability Advocacy website

People Outdoors

People Outdoors provides outdoor recreation for people of all ages with physical or intellectual disabilities. Camp programs include overnight through to week long residential camps and provide people with disabilities an opportunity to experience the social and developmental benefits of adventure outdoors.

All programs are staffed by trained and passionate professionals and volunteers.

Phone: (03) 9863 6824

Email: [email protected]

Website: People Outdoors website

Syndrome Without a Name (SWAN) AustraliaSWAN provides information and support to families caring for a child with an undiagnosed or rare genetic condition. Volunteer opportunities are available in social media, marketing, events, admin and project work.

Phone: 0404 280 441

Email: [email protected]

Website: Syndrome Without a Name (SWAN) Australia website

Vision Australia

Vision Australia provides blindness and low vision services to create equal opportunity for people who are blind or have low vision.

Volunteers help clients do activities they choose, supporting local teams with administrative tasks, audio description and text book narration, Vision Australia Radio presentation and production, assistance with recreation programs and supporting fundraising events. 

Phone: 1300 84 74 66

Email: [email protected]

Website: Vision Australia website

Wellways Australia

Wellways is a mental health and disability support organisation advocating to improve the services, information and support available to people with mental health issues, their carers, families and communities.

Volunteers and staff work with people of all ages experiencing disabilities or challenges in their social and emotional wellbeing.

Phone: 1800 111 400

Email: [email protected]

Website: Wellways Australia website

Education and training

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Chinese Fellowship School Association

Chinese Fellowship School Association is a non-profit organisation operating a community language school offering Chinese (Mandarin) tutorial lessons at several DET accredited campuses for pre-school, foundation-10 and VCE (Year 11-12).

They have volunteering opportunities in four registration categories of the Victorian Institute of Teaching - Registered, Provisionally Registered, Early Childhood and Permission-To-Teach.

Phone: 0402 467 993

Email: [email protected]

Website: Chinese Fellowship School Association website

Glass Street KindergartenGlass Street Kindergarten provides an engaging kindergarten education program for 4-year-old group and 4-year-old children. Volunteers work with early childhood educators by helping with cooking, reading, gardening, arts and craft activities.

Address: 16 Glass Street, Kew East 3102

Email: [email protected]

Website: Glass Street Kindergarten website

Melbourne AMEPMelbourne AMEP supports refugees and migrants to learn English and settle in Australia. Volunteer tutors offer an AMEP learner an opportunity to practise and improve English communication skills and learn about life in Australia. Learners are keen to practise English conversation one to one with a volunteer via digital and mobile phone platforms or face-to-face in a public space.

Address: 77 St George’s Road, Preston 3072

Phone: (03) 9269 1514

Website: Melbourne AMEP website

Environment and conservation

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Friends of Ashburton ForestThe Friends of Ashburton Forest work on local revegetation projects.

Address: The group is working on weeding and revegetating at two sites: the small reserve at 88 Ashburn Grove and a reserve in Clifford Close, Ashburton.

Email: [email protected]

Website: Friends of Ashburton Forest website

Friends of Burke Road BillabongThe Friends of Burke Road Billabong are re-establishing Indigenous vegetation at the Burke Road Billabong site.

Address: 1585 Burke Rd, Kew East 3102

Phone: 0403 419 565

Website: Burke Road Billabong Reserve website

Friends of Greythorn ParkThe Friends of Greythorn Park care for Greythorn Park.

Address: 11A Alpha Street, Balwyn North 3104

Email: [email protected]

Friends of Nettleton ParkThe Friends of Nettleton Park improve the native habitat in Nettleton Park.

Address: 37 Gardiner Parade, Glen Iris 3146

Email: [email protected]

Friends of South Surrey Park

The Friends of South Surrey Park revegetate and maintain a biodiversity corridor. They prepare sites and plant indigenous species; weeding is an ongoing task.

Volunteers will work outdoors to improve South Surrey Park from 10am to midday on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month (March to November).

Address: South Surrey Park, between Riversdale and Union Roads, north of Through Road.
Surrey Hills 3127

Phone: 0418 176 390

Email: [email protected]

Website: South Surrey Park website

KooyongKoot Alliance

The KooyongKoot Alliance is made up of over 20 Friends Groups working with the Yarra Riverkeeper Association to act as a voice for Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot).

The alliance is working to develop a holistic strategic plan for the Gardiners Creek catchment. Volunteers work to coordinate projects and programs, assist with statutory planning, and secure grant funding.

Address: 36 Suffolk Road, Surrey Hills 3127

Email: [email protected]

Website: Yarra Riverkeeper website

Love our StreetLove Our Street have groups in Glen Iris and Ashburton that get together once a month for one hour to remove litter from our streets and creeks. Litter findings are logged on the Litter Stopper App which is monitored by Beach Patrol and used to create change. New volunteers young and old are welcome.


[email protected]

[email protected]

Family services

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
The Boroondara Family Network

The Boroondara Family Network (BFN) helps families in need with newborn babies and young children.

Their volunteers undertake home visits to mums. The BFN provides friendly support and encouragement in a non-threatening, non-directive, non-judgemental manner, and assists families to access other services where appropriate.

Phone: 0409 014 862

Email: [email protected]

Website: The Boroondara Family Network website

Mercy Health: O'Connell Family Centre

The Mercy Health O’Connell Family Centre is one of the oldest early parenting centres in Victoria. We run residential, day and community programs working with families with children from birth to four years of age.

We are a publicly-funded facility. Our values of compassion, hospitality, respect, innovation, stewardship and teamwork guide us in all that we do. 

Volunteers provide support in administration, concierge, admissions and evening and day assistance to parents and babies.

Address: 6 Mont Albert Rd, Canterbury 3126

Phone: 0478 278 056 

Email: [email protected]

Website: O'Connell Family Centre - Mercy Health Services


OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria

Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria (CCCIS) provides support for people from a Chinese background whose lives are affected by cancer or other chronic illnesses.

Volunteers assist with gardening, free meals and palliative care projects.

Address: 784 Station Street, Box Hill North 3129

Phone: (03) 9898 9575

Email: [email protected]

Website: Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria website

Crohn's and Colitis AustraliaCrohn's & Colitis Australia (CCA) represents people living with inflammatory bowel diseases. Volunteers are an integral part of CCA and opportunities include support group facilitators, volunteer teams, iConnect support crew and youth programs.

Address: Level 1, Suite 4, 363 Camberwell Road, Camberwell 3124

Email: [email protected]

Website: Crohn's and Colitis Australia website

Eastern Health

Eastern Health provides a comprehensive range of high quality acute, sub-acute, palliative care, mental health, drug and alcohol, residential care and community health services to people and communities that are diverse in culture, age and socio-economic status.

The Eastern Health Volunteer Program has a wide range of roles for volunteers.

Address: 283 Cotham Road, Kew 3101

Phone: (03) 9895 4658

Email: [email protected]

Website: Eastern Health website

Mercy Hospital for Women

The Mercy Hospital for Women (MHW) is a major public hospital and specialist referral centre with the medical, nursing, midwifery and allied health expertise to provide complex care for obstetric, neonatal and gynaecological needs. 

Our values of compassion, hospitality, respect, innovation, stewardship and teamwork guide us in all that we do. Volunteers provide support in concierge, administration, maternity ward assistance and the neo-natal special care nursery cuddle program.

Address: 163 Studley St, Heidelberg 3084

Phone: 0478 278 056 

Email: [email protected]

Website: Mercy Hospital for Women – Mercy Health Services

Pancare Foundation

The Pancare Foundation is a leading charity committed to inspiring hope, raising awareness, supporting families and funding research for those affected by upper GI cancers including pancreatic, liver, stomach, biliary and oesophageal cancers.

They have volunteering opportunities in administration, operations, professional services, community events and fundraising.

Address: Level 2, 70 Yarra Street, Heidelberg 3084

Phone: 1300 881 698

Email: [email protected]

Website: Pancare Foundation website

St George's Health Service - St Vincent's Hospital

St George's is a dedicated aged care health service, offering residential and in-patient services.

Volunteer roles include friendly visiting and activity-based roles both one on one and in group environments.

Phone: (03) 9231 3369

Email: [email protected]

Website: St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne website

Migrant services

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Asylum Seeker Resource CentreAsylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) provides asylum seekers with a wide range of services, including English teaching, legal advice and representation, mentoring, direct material aid and assistance with liaising with other agencies. ASRC supports and empowers people seeking asylum to maximise their own physical, mental and social wellbeing. Volunteering roles range from legal roles to community engagement to helping in our foodbank and kitchen. They offer remote and onsite roles at multiple locations.

Address:  214-218 Nicholson Street, Footscray 3011

Phone: (03) 9326 6066

Email: [email protected]

Website: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre website


OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria

Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria (BSRV) enhances the lives of people throughout Victoria who are blind or vision impaired.

They are seeking volunteers to assist people with vision loss to participate in sport and recreation programs, such as tennis, swimming, single and group walks and more.

Phone: (03) 9822 8876

Email: [email protected]

Website: Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria website

Boroondara Eagles Football ClubBoroondara Eagles are a community football (soccer) club and are passionate about our players, program and the game. We also give back to our local community through our charity partners and grant activation. Help us make a difference! We are looking for volunteers to enrich our family friendly community club through social media, communications, photography or operational activities.

Phone: 0423 785 800

Email: [email protected]

Website: Boroondara Eagles Football Club website

Canterbury Football Club

Canterbury Football Club is one Australia’s oldest football clubs, which currently fields five teams (4 mens, 1 womens).

Volunteers are involved in umpiring, time keeping, cooking and assisting in the canteen.

Address: corner of Chatham and Guildford Roads, Canterbury 3126

Phone: 0425 155 552

Email: [email protected]

Website: Canterbury Football Club website

Hawthorn Amateur Football Club

Men’s and Women’s Senior Football Club has a great culture of inclusiveness.

They are seeking volunteers in a range of on field and off field roles.

Address: Rathmines Reserve, Rathmines Road, Hawthorn East 3123

Phone: 0438 545 520

Email: [email protected]

Website: Hawthorn Amateur Football Club website

Kiwi Hawthorn Rugby Union Football ClubKiwi Hawthorn Rugby Union Football Club fields 4 senior men's rugby teams, a senior woman's team, 4 junior boy's teams, and a junior girl's team. We are a diverse club offering everyone the opportunity to enjoy community sport. Available volunteer opportunities, include treasurer, club secretary, barbecue operator and canteen duties.

Address: Lewin Reserve, 23 Sinclair Avenue, Glen Iris 3146

Email: [email protected]

Website: Kiwi Hawthorn Rugby Club website

Special Olympics Melbourne Inner EastThe Special Olympics club provides year-round sports training for over 200 registered athletes with intellectual disabilities. The volunteer-led organisation supports athletes with pathways to competition and building social connections. Volunteer opportunities range from assistants, coaches, coordinators to fundraising, event management, communications, administration and participating in the club committee. 

Address: PO BOX 181, Surrey Hills 3127

Phone: 0438 828 885

Email: [email protected]

Website: Special Olympics website

Puffing Billy RailwayPuffing Billy are a perfectly preserved steam train railway tourist attraction that has been operating since 1900. Volunteers support the smooth and safe running of the railway in a range of unique and meaningful roles. Whether you are greeting visitors on the bustling platform or helping prepare the engine behind the scenes, you’re keeping their story alive.

Address: Old Monbulk Road, Belgrave 3160

Phone: (03) 9757 0715

Email: [email protected]

Website: Puffing Billy Railway website

Seniors and aged care

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Balwyn Evergreen Centre

Balwyn Evergreen Centre promotes healthy ageing by providing facilities, services and programs that help older people to improve their physical, social, and emotional wellbeing.

Their friendly community volunteers assist by providing transport, serving meals, visiting frail older people and people with disabilities to care for their animal companions at home, facilitating groups and sharing skills.

Address: 45 Talbot Ave, Balwyn 3103

Phone: (03) 9836 9681

Email: [email protected]

Website: Balwyn Evergreen Centre website


Baptcare is a not-for-profit organisation that provides residential and community care for older people. It also provides support to children, families and people living with a disability, financially disadvantaged people and people seeking asylum. 

Our volunteers share our passion and commitment to supporting people in need. Volunteer roles are designed around your areas of interest to see you succeed. 

Address: Level 1, 1193 Toorak Road, Camberwell 3124

Phone: 0439 615 366

Email: l.davis@baptcare.org.au

Website: Baptcare website


BASScare is a not-for-profit community-based provider offering a range of aged care services in Boroondara.

Volunteers are involved in their services including meals-on-wheels, social support programs including exercise classes, dementia services and residential care through to palliative care.

Address: 6 Rochester Road, Canterbury 3126

Phone: 0447 503 741

Email: [email protected]

Website: BASScare website

Eva Tilley Memorial HomeEva Tilley Memorial Home is an independent not for profit residential aged care facility, providing services to the community for over 55 years. Volunteers support residents with companionship visits, activities, participating in outings or helping out in the café.

Address: 1100 Burke Road, Balwyn North 3104

Phone: (03) 9859 9541

Email: [email protected]

Website: Eva Tilley Memorial Home website

Young people

OrganisationVolunteer opportunitiesContact details
Koala Kids FoundationKoala Kids provides happy moments for children and young people during cancer treatment and to their families and healthcare team. Volunteer roles involve sorting, labelling, and packing items for distribution; sorting and packing new clothing; pick-up clothing and items and deliver to the Hawthorn Office. Pick-up and deliver meal boxes to families around Melbourne and Victoria. Deliver fresh fruit or resources to hospital. 

Address: 441 Auburn Road, Hawthorn 3122

Phone: (03) 8589 4812

Email: [email protected]

Website: Koala Kids Foundation website