Applications are now closed.
Our sports club accreditation program recognises and rewards sports clubs that actively create a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for their players, spectators and volunteers.
The program is free and voluntary. It offers 3 levels of certification and benefits:
Bronze: for clubs that meet their regular reporting requirements under their lease or license agreement.
Silver: for clubs that can meet bronze accreditation, plus focus on building capacity and a safe environment by introducing specific policies and actions.
Gold: for clubs that achieve bronze and silver accreditation, plus demonstrate significant, positive outcomes within their club and community.
Read the details about certification below and apply at the bottom of this page.
Be proactive
No matter what stage of the inclusion journey your club is at, we encourage you to:
- read our Sport and Recreation Inclusion Guide
- use the self-assessment tool to check how your club measures up against the 7 Pillars of inclusion developed by Play by the Rules.
Being proactive will improve your application for accreditation.