Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

On this page

We manage over 165 sports facilities, including sportsgrounds and sports facilities, for a wide variety of sporting activities. You can see all of these on our Sportsgrounds and sports facilities page.

Some of these facilities are leased to community-based clubs on a seasonal basis.

Inclusive Clubs Project

The Inclusive Clubs Project is presented by Access Health and Community, alongside the City of Boroondara, Manningham Council and City of Whitehorse.

Free to all sports clubs to attend, the project is built on the foundation principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.

This initiative offers clubs a dynamic platform to learn about how best to tackle inclusion and diversity at their club. Clubs will be led through a self-assessment, education sessions and strategy development. Additionally, a Health Promotion Practitioner will support clubs to develop and implement their own tailored action plan which includes short, medium and long-term goals.

What you'll gain

  • Online webinar to explore program essentials including diversity, change management​ and governance.
  • Face-to-face workshops to deep dive into gender equality, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, social media/marketing strategies​ and mental health and disability inclusion.
  • An inclusion assessment and tailored action plan for your club.
  • Access to tailored templates, resources​ and tools.
  • Dedicated support from a Health Promotion Practitioner throughout the program and ongoing.
  • Networking opportunities with other clubs, players, volunteers and community organisations.

What you need to commit to

  • Active participation.
  • Providing at least two club representatives at every workshop (this can include club officials, players and/or volunteers).
  • Completing your inclusion assessment and tailored plan.

The expression of interest period for 2024 has now closed. 

This is an annual program. A Council Officer will notify clubs when the program opens again in 2025. 

More information

For more information, contact Kimberley Rennie at [email protected] or on (03) 9278 4808.

Sports Club Resource Guide

The Sports Club Resource Guide is mainly for sports clubs that lease a Council facility. The guide covers our services and the processes to help you manage, maintain and operate your leased facility. It also includes information on club development, which may be useful for all sports clubs.

We are currently reviewing our Sports Club Resource Guide and will upload the revised guide shortly.

Sport and recreation inclusion resources

We have developed these resources to support clubs to be more inclusive. This aligns with our aim to improve the health and wellbeing of all people in Boroondara.

Our Sport and Recreation Inclusion Guide includes advice, ideas, resources, contacts and practical ways that clubs can support all members of our community in their participation journey.

Clubs should complete our Sport and Recreation Inclusion Assessment after reading the Sport and Recreation Inclusion Guide. No matter what stage of the inclusion journey your club is at, we encourage you to complete this assessment.

This is a self-assessment tool to understand how clubs measure up against The 7 Pillars of Inclusion developed by Play by the Rules.

Getting Council permission for minor works to Council sporting facilities and assets

Clubs that want to do maintenance, modifications and any other minor works at their cost to any City of Boroondara sporting facility must ask for Council’s written approval, as follows:

  1. Read the guidelines document below to understand the permission process.
  2. Contact our Sport and Recreation Team to ask for advice and provide information on the proposed project.
  3. If principal approval is permitted, complete and submit a Club Funded Works application form at the end of the guidelines document, below.

Download the Club Funded Works guidelines and application form

Outdoor Fitness training guidelines

Our Outdoor Fitness training guidelines are to assist fitness trainers who wish to use outdoor spaces in Boroondara for personal or fitness training.

These guidelines give an overview of:

  • activities and equipment that are and aren’t permitted
  • when a booking is required
  • which spaces can be used for training
  • how to book a space to train in
  • noise, signage and insurance requirements.

Fitness trainers should read the full guidelines on our Outdoor Fitness training guidelines page.

Sports Club Accreditation program

The Sports Club Accreditation program recognises and rewards clubs that provide a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all players, spectators, and volunteers while fulfilling their obligations.

You can find out more about the requirements for each accreditation level and how to apply on our Sports Club Accreditation program page.

Club Update newsletter

The Club Update is our fortnightly digital newsletter that provides information, events, opportunities and important sport and recreation topics for local sporting clubs. You can find out what’s happening at our facilities and promote your club’s activities through our newsletter.

You can email [email protected] to subscribe to the Club Update or to submit club activities to the newsletter.

Workshops and forums

We conduct club development workshops every year. We will update this page when new workshops or forums are announced. You can also visit our Events page to see all events happening across Boroondara, including sports and recreation based events.

Useful resources

Other useful resources for sports clubs include:

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