We provide a range of Active Ageing services for seniors to support the independence, good health​ and wellbeing of residents. This includes some transport services, social support services and events.

Other types of care for seniors are provided by a range of registered aged care providers available within Boroondara which are funded by the Australian Government. And you can learn more about these services on the My Aged Care website.

All aged care providers are required to comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards and the Charter of Aged Care Rights. More information about these commitments is on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website.

How to access seniors' services

Please note: you need to be at least 65 years old to access subsidised services, or 50 years old for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The Australian Government subsidises a range of in-home aged care services and programs delivered by local service providers.

Before you can use any aged care services which are subsidised by the Australian Government, you must apply for an assessment with My Aged Care. The My Aged Care staff will confirm whether you are eligible for the services, help you to plan what services you need, and identify suitable providers.

More information 

You can apply for an assessment by calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, or learn more about the fees and different types of services available on the My Aged Care website.

If you have any enquiries or complaints relating to in-home care provided by Mecwacare, please contact the Department of Health and Aged Care via the Department of Health website or call 02 6289 1555 (switchboard) or 1800 020 103 (free-call).

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