From a customer service model to a customer-centric model.
The customer's experience will be:
We are competent and confident in assisting and educating our customers.
We are timely, proactive and empathetic.
We are approachable, friendly and open.
We provide a holistic, one-stop-shop experience.
We provide choice and convenience.
We deliver cost-effective, efficient and valuable services.
We will pursue these strategic objectives:
Improve our online information
Align and improve our customer channels
Improve our customer interactions
Streamline our customer touchpoints
Develop a culture of evaluation
Simplify and clarify our customer processes
By pursuing our strategic objectives, our customers will:
- have a consistent, positive experience with us
- understand what Council can and can’t do
- are informed, educated and understand us, our role, our services and our processes
- have increased choice and convenience in interacting with Council and its services
- can rely on Council, our information and advice
- are supported to achieve their goals
- feel known to us as a whole and real person
- feel empowered to interact on equal terms
- are informed of the outcomes of their queries, concerns and activities with us
- see the changes their feedback produces and feel empowered to influence our improvement
- value Council and the community it supports
- trust Council and rate us highly.