Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Council Budget 2023–24

We have prepared our Budget 2023–24 in line with our commitment to sustainable budgeting, responsible financial management and the Victorian Government’s rate cap for 2023–24. Our budget also supports our community vision and priority themes in the Boroondara Community Plan 2021–2031.

Our budget aims to maintain and improve services and infrastructure, as well as deliver projects and services that are valued by our community.

We predict that this budget will have a surplus of $14.37 million. This is an increase of $1.41 million from the 2022–23 forecast.

In 2023–24, we will continue to invest in the delivery of services to our community, including:

  • libraries
  • health and wellbeing services
  • family services
  • youth services
  • active ageing services.

We will also continue to invest in our infrastructure assets. This includes renewal works and new works for:

  • roads
  • footpaths and bicycle paths
  • drainage
  • recreational, leisure and community facilities
  • parks, open spaces and streetscapes
  • buildings.

We are confident the Budget 2023–24 responds to our communities’ priorities and shows how we are creating ‘a sustainable and inclusive community’.

The online version of the Council Budget 2023–24 has been simplified and edited for web.