Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Leases in our community

Lease of land

Under section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020, we have the power to lease any land to any person for a term of 50 years or less. However, this is still subject to any other act and where section 116 of the Local Government Act 2020 applies. If we lease any land to any person subject to any exceptions, reservations, covenants and conditions, it must comply with this section.

We must include any proposal to lease land in a financial year in the budget, where the lease is for one year or more and:

  • the rent for any period of the lease is $100,000 or more a year
  • the current market rental value of the land is $100,000 or more a year
  • for 10 years or more.

If we propose to lease land (subject to the 3 criteria noted above) and that was not included as a proposal in the budget, we must complete a community engagement process in line with our community engagement policy before entering into the lease.

The proposed community leases set out in the table are in line with our Council Assets – Leasing and Licensing Policy 2017 and our Boroondara Community Plan 2021–31.

Our in-house Senior Valuer provides us with market rental valuations. All rentals proposed to be charged are in line with our Council Assets – Leasing and Licensing Policy.

Tenant Property Proposed term Annual Market
Rental Valuation
(excluding GST)
Annual Rental
(including GST)
Access Health and Community operating as headspace Hawthorn Part level 1
Hawthorn Arts Centre
360 Burwood Road
Hawthorn 3122
5 years $121,200 $50,948.62

This property will operate as headspace Hawthorn and will provide early intervention, care and services for young people aged from 12 to 25 years.

These services will include: 

  • mental health support
  • physical health support
  • vocational support
  • drug and alcohol support services.