Access our waste and recycling collection services and learn about responsible waste management.
Child pages
BinsFind out about our kerbside bin collection services, reporting bin problems and ordering new bins.
Hard waste collectionHow to book and prepare for a hard waste collection in Boroondara
Bundled green waste collectionsHow to book and prepare for a bundled green waste collection, including a Christmas tree collection.
What happens to your waste, FOGO and recyclingWhat happens to your waste, FOGO and recycling after we collect it or you drop it off.
A to Z guide to recycling and waste in BoroondaraUse the Boroondara A to Z guide to recycling and waste to find out what to do with your unwanted items.
Victoria’s Container Deposit SchemeVictoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic) rewards you with a 10-cent refund for every eligible drink container returned to a CDS refund point.
Boroondara repair directoryUse our directory to find specialist services in Boroondara to repair your prized possessions, from shoes and computers to lawnmowers.
Waste drop-offFind out about locations where you can drop off your recycling and waste.
Street cleaningWe sweep residential streets in Boroondara every 4 weeks. Find street sweeping days and autumn bulk leaf collection days for your property.
Recycling and compostingLearn how to reduce, reuse and recycle your waste.
Report bin or waste issuesHow to report a damaged or lost bin, missed bin collection, dumped waste and litter.