Use our A to Z guide to find out how to recycle, dispose of and compost unwanted items in Boroondara.
You might be able to repair or restore your damaged items instead of throwing them away. Use our Boroondara repair directory to find specialist repairers close to you.
A to Z guide to recycling and waste in Boroondara
Absorptive pads (such as meat tray pads)
Aerosol cans (empty – excludes paint, chemicals and motor oil cans)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Aerosol cans (full)
Never put aerosol cans in household or street bins. They can cause major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Aged care equipment
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Aluminium foil (washed and dried, combined into a ball)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
See Electrical appliances under E.
Follow the Environment Protection Authority's advice for disposing of asbestos.
It's illegal to place asbestos in household or street bins.
Ash (cold ash from wood only)
Avocado seeds
Baby accessories (safety gates, high chairs, cots and baby baths)
St Kilda Mums, Big Group Hug, Mums Supporting Families In Need (MSFIN), Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Make sure baby accessories are in good working condition before donating. Check for manufacturing dates and any deterioration before receiving used baby accessories.
Baby and toddler car seats
St Kilda Mums, Big Group Hug, Mums Supporting Families In Need (MSFIN), Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
For safety reasons, car seats must be in good reusable condition, less than 8 years old with mandatory AS/NZS1754 safety stickers. They must not have been in any kind of accident.
Baby wipes
Do not flush down the toilet even if labelled ‘flushable’ as they cause major sewer blockages.
Bakery and cake boxes
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Bakeware, Pyrex and glass food containers
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network (RIMERN), You Matter, Household waste bin.
Broken glass must be wrapped before disposing.
Baking paper
Balls (sports)
See Sporting goods under S.
Barbecues (mostly metal)
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection (gas bottles not accepted).
Batteries (household – alkaline, NiMH, NiCad)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point, B-cycle drop-off locations.
It is illegal to put batteries in any household or street bins. Batteries are toxic and can explode. They can cause major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Batteries (car)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Repco stores, Supercheap Auto stores.
It is illegal to put batteries in any household or street bins. Batteries are toxic and can explode. They can cause major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Bean bag balls (polystyrene)
Household waste bin (bag and tie up balls securely to make sure the balls don't get stuck when the rubbish truck is emptied), dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Cannot go in your recycling bin or in a hard waste collection.
Bed bases or bed heads
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Op shop, Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network (RIMERN), You Matter, Southern Cross Recycling, RCYCL, Planet Ark, Household waste bin.
Berry punnets
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Bicycles for Humanity, Brainwave Bikes, Dr Cranky's, The Bike Shed at CERES, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Binders and folders (plastic with metal rings)
Zero Waste Box from TerraCycle (fees apply), Household waste bin.
Biscuit trays (plastic tray inside biscuit packets)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Op shop, donate to an animal shelter or vet.
Household waste bin for damaged or unusable blankets.
Blankets (electric)
Op shop, donate to an animal shelter or vet.
Remove the cables and recycle these at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Local e-waste collection point.
Blister packs (for pills)
Pharmacycle drop-off locations, Household waste bin.
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Op shop, Brotherhood Books, Aboriginal Literacy Foundation, Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Bottles (plastic or glass)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Boxes (unwaxed cardboard)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Boxes (waxed cardboard)
Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Branches (large, up to 20 cm diameter each and 1.5 m long)
Bundled green waste collection, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Branches (small, up to 7.5 cm diameter)
FOGO bin, Bundled green waste collection, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Bread, cakes and pastries
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter
Bread bags (plastic)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Bread tags (cardboard)
Recycling bin (put in an envelope first – don't add loose as they are too small), Home compost bin, Household waste bin.
Bread tags (plastic)
Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs (collection points in Balwyn North and Hawthorn), Household waste bin.
Bricks, rubble, rocks, concrete and building materials
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Brochures and glossy paper
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Bubble wrap
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Op shop, Ted's Camera's recycling program, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Candles and candle wax
Cans (steel or aluminium, squashed)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Car batteries
See Batteries (car) under B.
Car/auto parts and tyres
Recycle metal and tyres at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Cardboard (unwaxed)
Home compost bin, Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Cardboard (waxed, like fruit boxes)
Household waste bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Carpet and carpet underlay
Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection (maximum 3 rolls).
Cartridges (printer or toner)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Cartridges 4 Planet Ark.
Cassette and VHS covers and casings (tapes removed)
See Tape covers and casings under T.
Cassette and VHS tapes
See Tapes (cassette and VHS) under T.
Cat poo (all pet poo)
Recycle with a pet poo composter or Green cone solar composter. Wrap in newspaper and put in Household waste bin.
Op shop, participating Officeworks stores, Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
CD cases (plastic)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
CD players
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point, Hard waste collection.
Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Op shop, Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Cereals and grains
Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter, FOGO bin.
Cereal boxes
See Cardboard (unwaxed) above.
Cereal box inner plastic bags
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Chemicals (household)
It's illegal to put flammable items in any household or street bins. They're toxic and can explode, causing major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Chicken (raw or cooked meat and bones)
Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter, FOGO bin.
Chip packets and chocolate wrappers (silver-lined plastic)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Christmas trees (plastic)
Op shop, Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Chux wipes
Cigarette butts
Cigarette lighters (empty)
Cigarette lighters (full or partially full)
It's illegal to put flammable items in any household or street bins. They're toxic and can explode, causing major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Citrus (juice, pulp and skin)
Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter, FOGO bin.
Cleaning rags
Cling wrap/cling film/plastic wrap
Terracycle, Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Cling wrap is not accepted in our Soft plastics collection.
Clothes (good condition)
Op shop, Fitted for Work, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, H&M Group, Zara, Upparel, Southern Cross Recycling, Household waste bin
Clothes (damaged)
H&M Group, Zara, Upparel, Textile Recyclers Australia (TRA), RCYCL, Household waste bin
Coat hangers (plastic or metal)
Coffee cups and lids (biodegradable or compostable)
Home compost bin (not FOGO bin)
Coffee cups and lids (single-use)
Coffee beans, grounds and filter papers
Home compost bin, Worm farm, Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter, FOGO bin.
Coffee pods (compostable)
Home compost bin, Worm farm, Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter, Household waste bin.
Coffee pods (single-use)
Planet Ark for aluminium pods, Terracycle, Household waste bin.
Computers, parts and accessories
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, E-waste collection point, Hard waste collection.
Concrete, bricks, rubble and rocks
Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Cooking oil (maximum 10 L in 5 L cans)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Cooking oil or fats absorbed in paper towel or newspaper
See Pots and pans under P.
Cordial bottles (plastic – Cottee's brand)
Cordial bottles (plastic – all brands except Cottee's)
Corks (natural)
Chooktopia, Dan Murphy's in Kew, Household waste bin.
Corks (plastic or synthetic)
Cotton buds
Cotton wool
Crockery (in usable condition)
Crockery (damaged)
Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Curtain rods (metal)
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Op shop, The Curtain Exchange, RCYCL, Household waste bin.
Cutlery (plastic)
Cutlery (cornstarch, sugarcane or potato starch)
Home compost bin, Household waste bin.
Cutlery made from starch or sugarcane can't go in the FOGO bin.
Cutlery (metal)
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Household waste bin.
Cutlery, plates and takeaway containers (compostable)
Home compost bin, Household waste bin.
Compostable cutlery can't go in the FOGO bin.
Dairy food products
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Detergent bottles (plastic)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Diesel fuel
See Chemicals (household) under C.
Disposable face masks
See Face masks (disposable) under F.
Disposable gloves
Disposable cups
See Coffee cups and lids under 'C', above
Disposable plates (plastic, clean)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Dog poo (all pet poo)
Pet poo composter or green cone solar composter, Household waste bin
Can't go in your FOGO bin.
Doors (metal)
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Doors (timber)
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Drink can clips (pull tabs)
Recycle at Dan Murphy’s Brunswick East, Collingwood and Prahran, or at BWS Richmond, Brunswick and Fitzroy.
Can't go in your recycling bin.
Dryer lint
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Officeworks stores, Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
DVD covers (remove paper insert first)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
DVD players
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
E-cigarettes (remove battery)
Return Unwanted Medicine (RUM) program
Eggs and shells
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, worm farm, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Egg cartons (cardboard only)
Home compost bin, Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Electric mobility scooters
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Electric toothbrushes
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Electrical appliances (small)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point, Hard waste collection.
Electrical appliances (medium and large)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply for large items), Hard waste collection.
Electrical cords and cables
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Envelopes (paper – remove clear window first and put in waste bin)
Recycling bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or at Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Expanded polyethylene foam packaging (bendable foam that doesn't snap)
Face masks (disposable)
Fast food and processed food leftovers
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Fats and cooking oil (absorbed in paper towel or newspaper)
Feathers (natural)
Fencing (timber)
Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Fire extinguishers
Drop off at Fire Equipment Services Siemens Business Park, Factory 27, 885 Mountain Highway, Bayswater, 3153.
- Call 0437 289 329 before you visit to visit to confirm the type of fire extinguisher being dropped off.
- Fees may apply for some extinguisher types.
- Open Monday to Thursday 8 am to 4 pm and Friday 8 am to 12 pm.
Fish and chips paper
Fish and seafood waste (raw or cooked fish and seafood, prawn and crab shells)
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter
Oyster shells go in Household waste bin.
Flexible/soft plastics
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Fluorescent bulbs and tubes
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Foam underlay
Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Food scraps and waste
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, worm farm, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Fridges and freezers
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Fruit and vegetable waste
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, worm farm, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Remove the plastic stickers on fruit and vegetables and put them in your Household waste bin.
Fruit net bags (plastic – remove metal clips)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Frying pans, including non-stick variety (stove-top)
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Household waste bin.
Frying pans (electric)
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Op shop, Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network (RIMERN), You Matter, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Garden waste (green waste)
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, Bundled green waste collection, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Garlic (flesh and skins)
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Garden clippings
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Gas bottles and canisters up to 9 kg (empty only)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Detox your home.
Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre doesn't accept disposable butane gas canisters or helium bottles. Return helium bottles to where they were purchased from.
Glass (not bottles or jars – eg window panes, wine glasses and picture frame glass)
Household waste bin, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection (wrap in paper or cardboard).
Glass bottles and jars (lids can stay on – broken is okay but try to avoid)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Glasses and sunglasses
Op shop, Specsavers, OPSM, Household waste bin.
Glossy paper (eg brochures and magazines)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Gloves (rubber or vinyl)
Golf bags
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Golf balls
Recycle at Freeway Golf Course (Balwyn North) Golf Ball Recycling, Household waste bin.
Grass clippings
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Greaseproof paper
Hair (animal or human)
Halogen downlights
Household waste bin (wrap in paper first).
These are non-toxic and safe in the waste bin. They are not accepted in e-waste collections or Detox your home collections.
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Hearing aids
Hi-fi sets and stereos
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Home security systems
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Hot water units
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Hoses (garden hose)
House wiring
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre in the e-waste recycling skip.
Household chemicals
See Chemicals (Household) under C.
It is illegal to put flammable items in any household or street bins. Flammable chemicals are toxic and can explode. They can cause major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Hygiene products
Ice block sticks (wooden)
Ice cream containers and lids (plastic)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Ice cream containers and lids (waxed cardboard with plastic lining)
Inverters (power inverter)
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Irons (clothes irons)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Jars (glass or plastic, leave lids on)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Jar lids, loose (metal or plastic)
See Lids (loose – metal or plastic) under L.
Juice cartons (Tetra Pak, foil-lined)
Kitty litter
Household waste bin (not your FOGO bin because it contains synthetic materials).
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Lawn clippings
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Leaf blowers
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Leftover food
Lids (loose – metal or plastic)
If you keep the lids on bottles or jars, you can recycle them in your Recycling bin.
Light bulbs and tubes
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
See Bedding under B.
Lollies (no wrappers)
Lolly wrappers (plastic or silver-lined plastic)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Long-life milk cartons (Tetra Pak, foil-lined)
See Juice cartons under J.
Lunch boxes (plastic)
Op shop, Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Makeup, cosmetics and beauty products (empty)
Recycle with Terracycle at David Jones or Mecca, dispose of in Household waste bin.
Makeup, cosmetics and beauty products (full)
Makeup pads (cotton or other)
Massage chairs
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Massage mats/pads (electric)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Bed Collect, Soft Landing, Ecosa (fees apply), recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Meat – including scraps, fat and bones
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Meat trays (rigid plastic only, washed)
Meat trays (polystyrene)
Medical waste
Contact your local GP for correct disposal of medical waste or for permission to use their on-site medical waste bin.
Medicines (old)
Return to your local chemist via the Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) scheme. Do not flush down the toilet or put in your waste bin.
Medicine bottles (glass or plastic, empty, leave lids on)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, wrap in cardboard and recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Mobile phones
Local mobile muster location, Zoos Victoria’s They’re Calling On You program, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Mobile phone chargers
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Mobility aids (eg wheelchairs and crutches)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Rotary's Donations in Kind, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Motor oil (max 10L in 5L cans)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Motor oil containers (empty)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Musical instruments (acoustic)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree
Musical instruments (electric)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Napkins and serviettes (paper)
Nappies (disposable, wrapped or bagged)
DiaperRecycle service, Household waste bin
Newspapers (clean and dry)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Newspapers (solid or wet)
Nuts, shells and seeds
Office paper (clean and dry)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre, Home compost bin.
Onions (flesh and skins)
Ovens and stoves
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Oyster shells
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Paintback.
Paint tins (containing dried paint)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Return high-quality pallets to the producer (often for a cash refund), dispose of up to 2 at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (commercial quantities not accepted).
Paper (clean and dry – includes newspapers, office paper, paper bags and Post-it notes)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre, Home compost bin.
Paper (wet or oily, no chemicals)
FOGO bin. If contaminated with chemicals or cleaning products, put it in your Household waste bin.
Paper (shredded)
Paper bags (no plastic or twine)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre, Home compost bin.
Paper plates (unwaxed)
Recycling bin for clean plates, FOGO bin for dirty plates.
Paper plates (waxed, clean and dirty)
Paper towels, napkins and serviettes (no chemicals)
If contaminated with chemicals or cleaning products, put it in your Household waste bin.
Pasta and rice products
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter
Pencils and shavings
Pens and markers
Kew East Community Recycling on Facebook, participating Officeworks stores, Household waste bin
Pet food
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter
Pet poo
Bokashi bin, pet poo composter or green cone solar composter, Household waste bin.
Cannot go in your FOGO bin.
See Chemicals (Household) under C.
Petrol is a hazardous substance/household chemical. It's illegal to put flammable items in any household or street bins. They're toxic and can explode, causing major fires in our collection trucks and at our waste processing facilities.
Pharmaceutical machines (eg blood pressure monitors)
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Pharmaceuticals (old)
Return to your local pharmacy via the Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) scheme.
Do not flush down the toilet or put in your waste bin.
Phone books (covers removed)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Photograph negatives and photographic slides (with cardboard edges)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre in the X-ray bin.
Op shop for clean items, Household waste bin for damaged items.
Pianos Recycled (fees may apply), Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree.
Pizza boxes (empty – a little grease and crumbs are okay)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre, Home compost bin.
Plant pots (plastic, no soil or plants)
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Plant pots (terracotta, no soil or plants)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Household waste bin
Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Plastic bags
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Plastic bottles (empty and squashed, leave lids on)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Plastic containers/tubs (rigid – eg take-away containers and yoghurt pots)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Plastic cosmetic tubes (empty, leave lids and pumps on)
Plastic wrappers
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Polystyrene and styrofoam (white, solid only)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (residents and local businesses only).
Polystyrene bean bag balls
Household waste bin (bag and tie up balls securely to make sure the balls don't get stuck when the rubbish truck is emptied), dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Cannot go in your recycling bin or in a hard waste collection.
Post bags (all types)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Post-it notes
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre, Home compost bin.
Pots and pans, including non-stick variety (metal)
Op shop, Kitchen Warehouse, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Household waste bin.
Poultry – raw or cooked meat and bones
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter
Power boards
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point
Prams and strollers
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Prawn heads and shells
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Printer cartridges
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Cartridges 4 Planet Ark program, participating Officeworks stores.
Printers and scanners
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Processed foods
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Prunings and cuttings
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Puffed corn packaging balls (household amounts only)
Pumps – loose (plastic pump pack)
Pumps still on plastic bottle (plastic pump pack)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Loose pumps must go in your Household waste bin.
Pumps (mechanical)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
PVC and PE pipe
Recycle at Nationwide Connect Recycling (Epping), dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Kew East Community Recycling on Facebook
Receipts (paper)
Records (vinyl)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Household waste bin.
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Reusable bags (plastic)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points). We only accept bags made from plastic or polypropylene – not fabric.
Rice and pasta products
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Rubber bands
Sanitary products
Satellite navigation systems (GPS)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Household waste bin (place in bags first).
School clothes and accessories
Seafood (fish and prawns – not oysters or shells)
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Oyster shells must go in your Household waste bin.
Shelving units (metal frame)
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Op shop, Boots For All, Shoes 4 Planet Earth (runners only), Fitted for Work (shoes suitable for job interviews), Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, TreadLightly (sports and active lifestyle shoes), Household waste bin.
Smoke alarms
Soft/flexible plastics (bags and wrappings)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Solar panels and energy storage systems
Recycle through ElecSome or PV Industries.
Spoiled or off food
FOGO bin, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter.
Sporting goods
Op-shop, Boots for all, Game on Recycling, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Household waste bin, Hard waste collection.
Steel (eg food cans)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Steel wool
Sticks and twigs
Stone fruit seeds and stones
Straw (hay)
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre.
Straws (plastic, disposable)
String or twine (natural or plastic)
Sushi trays (plastic)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Swimming pool salt bags (empty)
Household waste bin or recycle at Temporary soft plastic recycling service (soft plastics recycling for Boroondara residents at 2 collection points).
Cannot go in your recycling bin.
Put safely in a sharps box. Sharps boxes are offered to residents for free and can be collected from our Camberwell office.
Never put syringes in any council bins.
Tablets – digital (eg iPads)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Tape covers and casings (cassette/VHS tapes – paper insert removed)
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.
Tapes (cassette/VHS)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Planet Ark business recycling (only large quantities accepted), dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Tea bags (100% natural fibres/paper)
Home compost bin, Worm farm, Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter. Brands include Clipper, T2, Natures Cuppa, Pukka, Tielka, Eloments, Love Tea, Zoetic Infusions, Lipton Quality Black and Intense traditional tea bags only (not whole Lipton range).
Tea bags (all others)
Household waste bin. Most tea bags cannot go in your FOGO bin as they contain plastic and synthetic materials.
Tea (loose-leaf)
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, Worm farm, Bokashi bin, Green cone solar composter.
Tealight-candle holders
Household waste bin. Tealight-candle holders are too small to be recycled.
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Terracotta items
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Household waste bin
Tetra Paks (eg soy milk, long-life milk or juice cartons)
See Juice cartons under J.
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree.
For textiles that are not usable, recycle at H&M, Zara, Upparel, Textile Recyclers Australia and RCYCL. Household waste bin.
Textiles (underwear only)
Textile Recyclers Australia, Household waste bin.
Ecocycle in Cambellfield or Ringwood.
Op shop, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Thorny offcuts (eg from rose bushes)
FOGO bin (cut branches to fit in the bin with the lid closed), Bundled green waste collection (tie branches in bundles of up to 30 cm in diameter and 1.5 m in length), recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Timber (not fencing)
Dispose of at Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection (up to 12 pieces of timber neatly stacked, up to 1.5 m long).
Fencing is not accepted in Hard waste collection – see Fencing under F.
Toilet paper rolls
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre, Home compost bin.
Toner cartridges
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Cartridges 4 Planet Ark program.
Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Tools (electronic or battery-operated)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point, Hard waste collection.
Toothbrushes and other oral care
Terracycle, Kew East Community Recycling on Facebook, Household waste bin
Toothbrushes (electric)
See Electric toothbrushes under E.
Toothpaste tubes
Terracycle, Kew East Community Recycling on Facebook, Household waste bin.
Op shop, donate to your local animal shelter or vet, Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network (RIMERN), You Matter, Southern Cross Recycling, RCYCL, drop off at textile retailers – find locations through Planet Ark. Household waste bin.
Toys (plastic – no batteries)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Kew East Community Recycling on Facebook, Household waste bin.
Toys (electronic or battery-operated)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point, Hard waste collection (for large toys).
Tree prunings
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, Bundled green waste collection, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Tree roots (small – can be lifted by a single person)
FOGO bin, Bundled green waste collection, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, Household waste bin.
Tyres (bicycle)
It is illegal to put tyres in household waste bins, street bins or landfill.
Tyres (car and motorbike)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Vacuum cleaner dust (from wooden or tiled floors only)
Vacuum cleaner dust (from carpeted floors)
Household waste bin. Dust from carpets contain micro-plastics and can’t be composted.
Vacuum cleaners
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (remove hose), Hard waste collection (remove hose).
Vacuum cleaner hoses
Vape cigarettes (remove liquid cartridge)
See e-cigarettes under E.
Vegetables and offcuts
FOGO bin, Home compost bin, worm farm, Bokashi bin or green cone solar composter. Remove the plastic stickers on fruit and vegetables and dispose of these in your Household waste bin.
VHS and cassette covers (paper insert removed)
See Tape covers and casings (cassette and VHS – tapes removed) under T.
VHS and cassette tapes
See Tapes (cassette and VHS) under T.
Video cassette recorders (VCRs)
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Video game consoles and devices
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point, Hard waste collection.
Vinyl floor covering
Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection (up to 3 rolls).
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Local e-waste collection point.
Wax (from cheese, wine bottles or surfing)
FOGO bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Recycle through Terracycle at selected Rip Curl stores, Household waste bin.
Wet wipes
See Baby wipes under B.
Whipper snippers
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre, Hard waste collection.
Op shop, Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply), Hard waste collection.
Windows (intact)
If usable, rehome via Boroondara Hard Rubbish Rehome Facebook group, Facebook Marketplace, Ziilch, Gumtree. Dispose of at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre (fees apply).
Op shop, RCYCL, Household waste bin.
Wrapping paper (matte)
Wrapping paper (plastic-coated or shiny)
Recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre in the X-ray bin.
Yoghurt containers
Recycling bin, recycle at the Boroondara Recycling and Waste Centre or Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre.